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2016-12-08 01:12:03


辞职信 resignation letter


P1【写信目的辞职】P2【不合适.没挑战.低工资.要辞职】P3【谢机会.感 sorry】

Para1, S1, resign from my current position

Para2,S1,After several months of work, find it in-appro-priate, take the position,following reasons

S2,expected the job to, be both challenging and rewards, turn out to be the opposite

S3,salary, has proved to be a lot lower, you originally promised

S4, As a result, make up my mind, to quit, after much de-libera-tion

Para3,S1,having offered me, the golden oppor-tunity to work, with the outstanding staff here

S2,I am sorry, for any in-con-ven-ience caused.


Dear Mr. Jack,

Im writing the letter for the purpose of resigning from my current position.

After several months of work, I find it inappropriate for me to take the position [as an editor] for the following reasons. In the first place, I ever expected the job to be both challenging and rewards which has turned out to be the opposite. In the second, the salary has proved to be a lot lower than you originally promised and I have a large family to support. As a result, Ive made up my mind to quit the job after much deliberation.

Thanks a lot for having offered me the golden opportunity to work with the outstanding staff here. I sincerely hope you will approve of my resignation. I am genuinely sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Yours truly,

Li Ming

Key words:

Resignation 辞职,position 职位, inappropriate 不适合的; challenging 挑战的; offer 提供;

golden opportunity 绝佳机会. After much deliberation 深思熟虑

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