
您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >2017考研英语:单词中否定意义的介词(2)


2016-08-10 04:08:36



from [frm] prep.来自,从;由于;今后

【例 句】:The child cant walk, far from running.(更不用谈)

So far from taking my advice, he did just against.(不仅没有)

She kept herself from laughing.(使某人不)

I knew he did it from his teeth.(毫无诚意)

in [n] prep.按照(表示方式);从事于;在之内

【例 句】:I dont know what he intends to do; Im in the dark about his plans.(不知道)

The people lifted the big stone in a breeze.(毫不费力)

We all decide to start our journey in all weathers.(风雨无阻)

With the card, you can enter this building in the clear.(不受妨碍)

Her schemes are usually up in the clouds. (不切实际)

This great plan is still in the egg.(尚未成熟)

At the sight he laughed in spite of himself.(不由自主地)

The girl wanted to marry the poor man in spite of her parent teeth.(不顾)

off [f] prep.离开;脱落

【例 句】:Keep off the grass.(不靠近)

I am right off love stories for some reason.(不感兴趣)

He is off smoking now.(不再吸烟)

She was off duty yesterday.(不值班)

You have got what is on the off chance for others.(不会有机会)

She felt a bit off color, but shes much better now.(精神不好)

The initial phase of the flu is steep, taking health experts off guard.(猝不及防)

Im talking off hand, simply speaking my mind.(无准备)

The sold company is off his hand now.(不再由某人负责)

The failing marriage is over and off her mind.(不再挂念)

It is a little off time of speaking that in the wedding.(不合时宜)

He catches cold and is off work today.(没上班)


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