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2015-08-19 09:08:28


1. confident confidant

confident 深信,确信,自信。

confidant 心腹朋友。She has no close confidant to whom she can turn for advice or help. 她没有知心朋友来帮助或是劝告她。

2. continual continuous

continual 连续,继续频繁的continual bouts of toothache一阵接一阵的牙痛。(这中间可能有停顿或间断。)

continuous 连续(指从不间断的);Weve had three weeks of continuous rain. 我们这里连续三周下雨不停。

3. might could

might 表明possibility。

could 应该用来表明permission. Mum said we could (might) go to the football match.

4. council counsel

council 议事机构,委员会;a cabinet council 内阁会议。

counsel 商议,劝告follow sb. s counsel close 牢记某人忠告。

5. creditable credible

creditable 声誉好的,可称许(赞扬)的

credible 可信的,可靠的Hes the only one without a credible alibi (辩解,托辞). 他是惟一一个没有可信托辞的人。

6. decisive decided

decisive 果断的,断然的decisive measures 断然的措施。

decided 明确的,无疑的a decided success 明显的成功。

7. defective deficient

defective (having a fault or flaw) 有缺陷的。

deficient (lacking in what is needed) 不足的be deficient in 欠缺。

8. definite definitive

definite (certain or clear, not vague)明确的,一定的。

definitive (authoritative, that cannot be improved) 限定的,决定性的,最后的 definitive host 宿主;definitive organs 定形器官;definitive sentence 最后判决。

9. dependant dependent

dependant n. (one who depends on another for support) 受赡养者。

dependent adj. 依靠的,依赖的 Hesstill dependent on state benefit. The rate of relief is dependent on ones income.

10. discreet discrete

discreet 考虑周到的,慎重的。

discrete 分离的,分裂的On closer examination, we find that the pattern is formed from thousands of discrete dots of colours.   










