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2015-08-13 10:08:51

   帮你轻松搞定考研英语长难句(十六)12016考研学习交流群:410257364 帮你轻松搞定考研英语长难句(十六)2


  A long-held view of the history of the English colonies that became the United States has been that Englands policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to more imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objective, generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution.


  A long-held view 长久以来的观点

  Dictated 主导

  Dominated 主导

  Imperial policy 帝国政策

  expansionist militarist objective 扩张主义的军事目标 (eligibility age = eligible age)


  主干识别: A long-held view has been thatand that...

  其他成分: of the history of the Englishcolonies that became the United States ( view 的修饰成分)

  Englandspolicy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests 表语从句一

  a change tomore imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objective, generatedthe tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution.表语从句二

  微观分析: of the history of the Englishcolonies that became the United States 后来变成美国的英国殖民地的历史

  主干:a change to more imperial policy generated the tensions that ultimatelyled to the American Revolution.

  其他成分:, dominated by expansionist militarist objective,

  参考译文: 对于后来成为了美国的英国殖民地,人们一直以来持有下面的观点:1.在1763年之前,英国对于这些殖民地的政策被经济利益所支配。2.之后在扩张主义的军事目标的左右下转向了一种帝国政策,这样形成了一种紧张局势,并最终导致了美国革命。  











