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2015-08-11 09:08:07




The two pictures above show a brief history of world commercial fishing to us. In the first picture, a fishing ship is sailing in the sea, where is abundant in various kinds of fishes in 1900. By contrast, innumerable ships are seeking fishes in 1995, but there is only one fish in the sea. We can learn from the pictures that with the rapid social and economic development, the number of fishes has sharply decreased.

Clearly, the two pictures reveal a noteworthy trend that the quick development of world economy has been accompanied by a corresponding destruction of environment and ecosystem. The reasons may be as follows. On the one hand, the unreasonable principle that the development of our economy is our only object leads us to overlook the significance of environmental protection. On the other hand, the progress of modern technology that enables us to exploit more nature resource aggravates the worrying situation.

Undoubtedly, we should reverse the disturbing trend because our achievement in economy may be offset by the destruction of environment and ecosystem. More and more adverse examples all over the world can sufficiently testify that without a good environment, the economy cant develop sustainably.

In my opinion, the new development mode proposed by our government that we should pay due attention to environment protection while developing our economy is desirable, but the comprehensive implementation of that notion needs our joint efforts. Accordingly, we should bear in mind that the harsh reality warrants our prompt attention, and the effectual measures guarantee a bright future.

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