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2014-09-03 10:09:18

考研英语中每个题型(除写作外)都包含大量的长难句,是影响阅读的关键因素,也是广大考生复习的重难点所在。但是,归根到底,长难句的主干部分还是五个基本句型主谓、主谓宾、主系表、主谓双宾和主谓宾语宾补,甚至可以统一概括为主谓宾。所以要理解长难句,首先得搞明白句子的主干成分。首当其冲就是主语。英语中的主语可以由名词(短语)、动名词短语、不定式短语充当。当然还可以用句子充当,但是这样会产生头重脚轻的状况,影响句子平衡。为了避免这种情况,引入It 作为形式主语,而把真正的主语置于句末。常见的形式主语句型如下:

(一)It is/was + 形容词 + that主从

It is clear/obvious that 显然
It is possible/likely that 很可能
It is natural that 很自然
It is certain that 可以相信
It is necessary that 有必要的是
It is strange that... 奇怪的是
It is fortunate that... 幸运的是

(二)It is/was + 过去分词 + that主从

It is (generally) believed that 人们相信
It is generally agreed that 人们普遍认为
It has been found that 人们现已发现
It must be pointed out that 必须指出
It has been known that 人们早已知道
It is said that 据说
Its reported that... 据报道
It should be noted that... 人们应当注意

(三)It + 不及物动词 + that主从

It appears/seems that... 似乎;好像
It follows that... 因此;由此可见
It happened that... 碰巧
It turns out that... 结果证明是
It comes about that.. 结果是

(四)It is/was + 名词短语 + that主从

It is good news that... 真是太好了
It is a good thing that... 真是件好事
It is no wonder that... 难怪
It is a shame that... 遗憾的是;真是太不像话了
It is no surprise that 并不奇怪
It is a pity that 可惜的是
It is a fact that 事实是
It is an honor that 真荣幸
It is common knowledge that 是常识
It is my belief that 我相信
It is a miracle that 真是奇迹


It dawns upon/on sb. that... 某人突然想起
It occurs to sb. that... 某人突然想起
It makes no difference that... 无所谓
It doesnt need to be bothered that... 不必担忧
It is of little consequence that... 无关紧要












