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2014-08-07 11:08:04

1. England, Ecuador and host nation Germany have advanced to the second round of the World Cup.

世界杯决赛圈的第一轮比赛是小组赛,第二轮就是八分之一决赛,也就是十六强的比赛。晋级自然是前进(advance),那么晋级十六强就是advance to the second round of the World Cup了。

2. A 3-0 victory against Costa Rica put Ecuador in the second round of the World Cup for the first time.


除了advance,晋级还可以说成put in the second round of the World Cup。什么才有可能将一只球队put in the second round of the World Cup?当然是战绩了。所以这个句型前面的主语通常是对的胜利。

顺便提一下,几比几战胜某只队伍就可以说成 (number) - (number) victory against 这个小横杠 - 要读成 to。

3. The first thing German coach Juergen Klinsmann did when his team qualified for the second round of the World Cup was give his players a day off.


晋级十六强后,就有资格参加世界杯决赛圈第二轮的比赛了。所以,晋级除了advance to, put in 这两个表达,还可以说成是 qualify for。

4. A 1-0 win Thursday night against Paraguay put the Swedes in position to move into the second round.


这个有希望晋级就可以说成in the position to move into the second round。不过,到底能不能晋级,就看瑞典的实力和运气了。

banana kick 弧线球

Banana kick is a type of kick that gives the ball a curved trajectory, used to get the ball around an obstacle such as a goaltender or defender.

Banana kick指以弧线运行的球,多是为了让球绕过守门员或者后卫。也就是大家熟知的弧线球。


Bicycle kick (also known as overhead kick) describes a situation when a player kicks the ball in mid-air backwards and over his own head.

Bicycle kick(也可用overhead kick表示)指球员在腾空状态下、且头下脚上将球往后踢的动作。也就是传说中的倒钩球。

Butterfingers refer to a clumsy person, especially one who tends to drop things. During the World Cup, the term refers ironically to those clumsy goalkeepers prone to let shots slip through their hands as if they had applied butter to their fingers.


For example:

England goalkeeper Robert Green dominated the headlines as a butterfingers after his fumble against the USA in the group rounds.


The term football widow doesnt involve anyones actual death. It is a term for those who have a relationship with a sports fan (often a follower of football, be it American football, soccer, rugby, Australian rules football, or other) who pays more attention to the game than to their partner during the sports season of play.


Football widows are usually, but not always, women. Usually the widow has little interest in the sport themselves. The tribe grows during the World Cup, and gets a new name World Cup widow。


To park the bus, means to play very defensively, to get a lot of players behind the ball, to have no attacking play. Many people say that this phrase was first said by Jose Mourinho when he was Chelseas manager. He was describing a negative Tottenham team who played very defensively in a meeting between the two London clubs some years ago.

铁桶式防守(to park the bus)指在比赛中采取防守打法,让很多球员跟着球走,从不采取进攻战术。很多人都说最先用to park the bus来表示铁桶式防守的是曾任切尔西经理的穆里尼奥。几年前,他用这个短语描述消极应战的一支托特纳姆球队,当时,这支球队在与伦敦两家俱乐部的比赛中都坚持防守打法。

Imagine a bus parked in front of the goal. It is almost impossible to score, so people use to park the bus to mean one team was very negative, boring and defensive.

想象一下一辆公交车停在球门前的状况。想进球几乎是不可能的,于是,人们就用to park the bus来指代消极、缺少激情而且严密防守型的球队。

For example:

South Korea decided to proverbially park the bus by bringing on its defensive stand-ins, who ultimately preserved its 2-0 lead.

韩国队将替补后卫队员换上场采取铁桶式防守打法,并最终将比分锁定为2比0 。










