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2014-07-07 04:07:02






in deficit (赤字,逆差)

approach to (的方法)

in the wake of (紧紧跟随,随着而来)

from scratch (从零开始)

例句: China also signed a long-term trade agreement with the EEC in 1978 while trade with the USA has increased rapidly in the wake of the normalization of diplomatic relations at the beginning of 1979.

分析: 该句是并列句。

译文: 1978年中国还与欧洲经济共同体签署了长期贸易协议;随着1979年初与美国外交关系正常化的到来,中国与美国的贸易也迅速增长。



move along (沿着)

bustle about (匆忙)

buoy up (上升)

rein in (抑制)

pass down (使流传)

例句: The decline was partly caused by Indias reining in of its budget deficit and the short-term effects of the implementation of strong emergency stabilization measures.

分析: 该句是简单句。

译文: 衰退的部分原因是印度抑制其预算赤字及推行强有力的紧急稳定措施的短期效果。

例句: Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a fathers line or mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only from mothers. (选自2009年Text 2)

分析: 该句是复合句,句子主干是most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either...or...引导的并列短语作a single lineage的同位语,which is passed down only from mothers是一个修饰mitochondrial DNA的非限制性定语从句。

译文: 然而,许多血统检测仅仅考虑一个单一的血统,要么是遗传来自父亲家庭里的Y染色体,要么是仅从母亲那里遗传下来的线粒体DNA。



amenable to (对负责)

conducive to (对有益)

awkward for (对不便,对不合适)

例句: Korea traditionally has made things awkward for foreigners in terms of its financial systems, its real estate laws and so forth.

分析: 该句是简单句。

译文: 韩国传统上一直在金融体制、不动产法等方面让外国人感到极不方便。









betweenbeyond but

byconsidering(考虑到) concerning(关于)

despite(尽管,任凭) downduring

except for from

in insideinto

including likenear

of offon

opposite outsideover

past regarding(关于)since

through tillthroughout

to toward(s)under



例句: Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stress response: causing females under stress to produce more of the trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions. (选自2008年Text 1)

分析: 该句是复合句,主干部分为studies...have shown that...。分词causing...作状语表示伴随,其逻辑主语是sex hormones。

译文: 对人和动物的研究已经表明性激素荷尔蒙以某种方式会影响对压力的反应;结果造 成在同等条件下,妇女处于压力下会比男人产生更多的诱发性的化学物质。

例句: Of course, the image of parenthood that celebrity magazines like Us Weekly and People present is hugely unrealistic, especially when the parents are single mothers like Bullock. (选自2011年Text 4)

分析: 该句是复合句。that celebrity magazines like Us Weekly and People present是一个定语从句,修饰image of parenthood,介词短语like Us Weekly and People作后置定语,修饰celebrity magazines。

译文: 当然,《我们周刊》、《人物》等名人杂志中呈现出来的父母形象非常不切实际,尤其当母亲是布洛克这样的单亲妈妈时更是如此。




according toahead ofalong with

apart fromas foras to

because ofdue toexcept for

in view ofirrespective of(无论)out of

previous toprior tothanks to

together withup toby means of

by way offor the sake ofin the event of

in front ofinstead ofon the point of

on account ofowing towith a view to(为了)

with regard toas well asin addition to

other thanapart from

例句: He must store a large quantity of grain instead of consuming all his grain immediately. (选自2000年Cloze Test)

分析: 该句是简单句。

译文: 他必须储存大量的粮食,而不是马上将其全部消耗掉。

例句: Corporations and labor unions have conferred great benefits upon their employees and members as well as upon the general public. (1999年第37题)

分析: 该句是简单句。

译文: 公司和工会为公司员工、工会成员和广大公众都带来了极大的利益。




例句: Chinas powerful Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade will be monitoring trade signals from the new Clinton Administration.

分析: 该句是简单句。

译文: 强大的中国对外经济关系与贸易部将密切注视克林顿新政府的贸易动向。

例句: At times, more care goes into the composition of newspaper and magazine advertisements than into the writing of features and editorials.

分析: 该句是复合句,在than后面省略了more care goes。

译文: 有时,报纸杂志的广告创作比特写和社论写作更费心。

(二)表语(用于系动词be, look, remain后)

例句: Many of the actors and actresses are on location now.

译文: 许多男女演员现在正在拍外景。

例句: In speaking, the choice of words is of the utmost importance.

译文: 说话时,选词是最重要的。


例句: In the long run, however, this hurry to shed full-time staff may be as harmful to industry as it is to the workforce. (2000年第15题)

分析: 该句是复合句。

译文: 但是从长远来看,草率地解雇全职员工,既不利于职工,也有害于产业。

例句: The findings of a research institution have consistently shown that workers in all countries can be trained on the job to achieve radically higher productivity and, as a result,radically higher standards of living. (选自2009年Text 3)

分析: 该句是复合句,句子主干是The findings of a research institution have shown that...。that workers...of living是have shown的宾语,workers是宾语从句的主语,谓语部分是can be trained,radically higher standards of living和radically higher productivity是achieve的并列宾语。

译文: 一家研究机构的研究结果一致表明,所有国家的工人都可以在岗位上接受培训以获得极高的生产率,从而极大地提高生活水平。

例句: But we have at least drawn near the point of admitting that birds should continue as a matter of intrinsic right, regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us. (2010年第47题)

分析: 句子主干是we have drawn near the point。介词短语of admitting that...作point的后置定语,that...从句作admit的宾语从句,regardless of...作让步状语。其中draw near意为接近,靠近intrinsic right意为天生的(固有的)权利;economic advantage意为经济利益,经济优势。

译文: 但是,我们至少已经承认了这样一种观点: 不管鸟类对我们是否有经济利益,生存都是它们固有的权利。


例句: A really powerful speaker can work up the feelings of the audience to the fever of excitement.

分析: 该句是简单句,介词短语to the fever of excitement作宾语the feelings的补足语。

译文: 一个真正有感召力的演讲者能激起听众的激情。

例句: Observations were made of the children at the beginning and at the end of pre-school and first grade. (1996年第4题)

分析: 该句是简单句,本句的主动形式为people made observations of the children...。短语make observations of意为观察、记录某人某事。

译文: 观察报告开头是关于儿童的问题,结尾是关于学龄前儿童和小学一年级学生的问题。










