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2014-07-07 02:07:35


1. 陈述句的谓语为am时,简略问句否定式用arent I,肯定式为am I。

例句: Im very glad to know that my boss has generously agreed to write off my debt in return for certain services, arent I? (1998年第27题)

分析: 该句是复合句。

译文: 我很高兴得知老板已慷慨地同意一笔勾销我的债务来作为特殊服务的报酬,是吗?

例句: Im not a person who is willing to run the risk to leave his child alone at home, am I?

分析: 该句是复合句,who引导的定语从句修饰a person。

译文: 我不是那种愿意冒险把孩子单独留在家里的人,是吧?

2. 陈述句部分有表示否定意义的词,如hardly,scarcely,barely,rarely,nothing,never, seldom,little时,简略问句用肯定形式。

例句: The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds on which to base his argument in favor of the new theory, can he?

分析: 该句是简单句,which后的部分修饰grounds,全句相当于The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds on which he bases his argument in favor of the new theory, 其中base sth. on grounds意为使具有证据。

译文: 那位教授几乎找不到充分证据来支持其新理论的论点,是吧?

例句: It never rains but it pours,does it? (选自2007年Text 4)

分析: 该句是简单句,but前后并列两个谓语动词。

译文: 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人,是吧?

3. 陈述句部分的主语为something,anything, nothing,everything等指物的不定代词时,简略问句主语用it。

例句: Everything that you did is just for my staying here, isnt it?

分析: 该句是复合句,定语从句that you did修饰everything。

译文: 你所做的任何事情都只是想让我留在这里,对吗?

又如:Something has gone wrong with my watch, hasnt it?

4. 陈述句部分的主语为anyone, anybody, no one, nobody, everyone, everybody等指人的不定代词时,简略问句主语为they。

例句: Everybody loves a fat pay rise,dont they? (选自2005年Text 1)

分析: 该句是简单句。

译文: 每个人都喜欢大幅加薪,对吧?

例句: Nobody can help but be fascinated by the world into which he is taken by the science fiction,can they?

分析: 该句是复合句,cant help but do sth.意为禁不住,不得不,which引导的定语从句修饰the world,即take him into the world。

译文: 没有人不对科幻小说带给我们的科幻世界着迷,是不?

5. 情态动词dare,need作实义动词时,简略问句用助动词do/did/does。

例句: Kids need a range of authentic role modelsas opposed to members of their clique, pop stars and vaunted athletes, do they? (选自2007年Part B)

分析: 该句是简单句,破折号后的内容表示对前面内容的解释,as opposed to... 的完整形式应是as they are opposed to...,they指代models,其中be opposed to sth.意为与对照/对比。

译文: 孩子们需要有各式各样的真正的榜样来与他们圈子里的成员对照,与流行歌星和善于自夸的运动员对照,对吗?

例句: Standing before me, she dares not to look at me in face, does she?

分析: 该句是简单句,分词短语standing before me在句中作状语,相当于when she is standing...。

译文: 站在我面前,她不敢直视我,是吗?


例句: We can not always count on the wind, so new windmills should be so designed that they can also be driven by water, can we?

分析: 该句是复合句,从句中so...that是目的状语从句。

译文: 我们不可能永远依赖风,所以必须设计用水也能驱动的新风车,是吗?

例句: Conversation becomes weaker in a society that spends so much time listening and being talked to that it has all but lost the will and the skill to speak for itself, doesnt it? (2001年第9题)

分析: 该句是复合句,主句部分为conversation becomes weaker in a society,定语从句that spends so much time...修饰a society,在定语从句中又套用一个so...that...的结果状语从句,其中all but为一副词短语,意为几乎。

译文: 如果在一个社会中,人们花费大量时间听别人讲话或让别人对着自己讲话,那么他们就会失去说话的意愿和技能,交谈效果就变得越来越差了,是吧?

7. lets表示第一人称的祈使句,简略问句的谓语用shall;let us,let me表示第二人称祈使,简略问句的谓语用will。

例句: Lets go there and ask the way to the Bell Tower together, shall we?

Let us go there and ask the way to the Bell Tower together, will you?



例句: He must have worked very late in the lab last night, because he was late again this morning,didnt he?

分析: 该句是复合句。

译文: 因为今早他又迟到了所以昨晚他准是在实验室工作到很晚,是不?

例句: She must have learned English very hard these days, since she made so great progress, hasnt she?

分析: 该句是复合句。

译文: 因为她进步很大,所以这段时间她一定是在刻苦学习英语,对吗?

另外: He must be a trickster(骗子), isnt he?

He cant be a trickster, is he?

9. there be/exist结构构成的反意问句,简略问句主语为there。

例句: There are those who consider it questionable that these defense?linked research projects will account for an improvement in the standard of living or, alternatively, do much to protect our diminishing resources, arent there?

分析: 该句是复合句,主句为There are those;定语从句who consider it questionable that these defense?linked research projects will account for...or, altematively, do much...diminishing resources修饰those;it为形式宾语指代that these defense?linked research projects will account for...or; alternatively, do much...diminishing resources。questionable在句中作宾语补足语。

译文: 有那么一些人,他们认为值得怀疑的是:这些与防御有关的研究项目是生活水平改善的原因,或者从另一方面来说,这些研究项目可以为保护我们日益减少的资源作出很大贡献,是不是这样?

例句: And there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come, not to see the plays, but to look at Anne Hathaways Cottage, Shakespeares birthplace and the other sights, arent there?(选自2006年Text 2)

分析: 该句是复合句,定语从句who largely live off the tourists修饰the townsfolk,而另一定语从句who come,not to see the plays,but to look at...则修饰the tourists,在后一定语从句中两个谓语动词come to see和(come) to look at并列。

译文: 还有一些当地民众,他们的生活依赖于游客,而这些游客不是看戏而是来看莎士比亚的出生地安哈瑟维茅舍和其他景点的,不是吗?

例句: There exists a social and cultural disconnect between journalists and their readers, which helps explain why the standard templates of the newsroom seem alien to many readers,doesnt there? (选自2001年Text 3)

分析: 该句是复合句,which引导的定语从句在句中修饰disconnect,而在定语从句中why引导的状语从句充当谓语动词explain的宾语。

译文: 记者和读者之间存在社会和文化差距,这种差距有助于解释许多读者不能理解新闻界标准模式的原因,对吗?

10. 当主句以suppose,think,believe,expect等动词作谓语,而且主句主语是第一人称时,反意问句部分与宾语从句一致,当否定转移到此类句子主句时,反意问句部分用肯定形式。

例句: I dont think its wise of you to show off your greater knowledge in front of the director,for it may offend him,is it? (1998年第23题)

分析: 该句是复合句,连词for引导的是原因状语从句。

译文: 我认为你在主任面前卖弄知识很不明智,这会冒犯他的,不是吗?

11. 在had better,would rather,would like等句中,反意部分以had,would为助动词。

例句: Youd better receive the fall because of carelessness in the exam, hadnt you?

分析: 该句是简单句。

译文: 由于考试时粗心大意,你最好还是接受失败,对吧?

例句: To be frank, youd rather your friends were not involved in the case, wouldnt you?

分析: 该句是复合句,would rather从句中的谓语动词应用过去时或过去完成时。

译文: 坦率地说,你不希望朋友们卷入此事,是吧?

12. 在ought to句中,反意问句部分多为shouldnt。

例句: In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments,a student ought to present his findings in logic order and clear language, shouldnt he?

分析: 该句是简单句。

译文: 在准备实验的科学报告时,任何学生都应该用符合逻辑的顺序及清晰的语言来表述他的实验结果,是吧?

13. 并列句中反义疑问句的构成,谓语动词根据就近分句的谓语动词而定。

例句: I am not compatible with my roommate but I have to share the room with her, because I have nowhere else to live, havent I? (2000年第30题)

分析: 该句because前是两个并列句,其后是一简单句。

译文: 我和室友不和,但我还得和她同住一间屋子,因为我没有别的地方可住,不是吗?

14. 陈述部分主语是不定式(短语)或动名词(短语),反意疑问部分主语用it。

例句: Achieving a high degree of proficiency in English as a foreign language is not a mysterious process without scientific basis, is it?

分析: 该句是简单句,achieving a high degree of...为动名词作主语。

译文: 英语作为外语达到很高水平并非是一种毫无科学根据的神秘过程,是吗?

例句: To pick up Mr. Cheng at the airport is my task today, isnt it?

分析: 该句是简单句,To pick up...airport是不定式作主语。

译文: 今天去机场接程先生是我的工作,是吗?

三、祈使句( Imperative Sentence)


例句: Please restrain yourself from smoking and spitting in public places, since the law forbids them. (1998年第31题)

分析: 该句是复合句,since the law forbids them是原因状语从句。

译文: 请不要在公共场所吸烟和随地吐痰,因为法律禁止这些行为。

例句: Please do not be irritated by his bad manner since he is merely trying to attract attention.

分析: 该句是复合句,since he is...是一个原因状语从句。

译文: 不必因为他的无礼而恼火,他只是想引人注意而已。

四、感叹句( Exclamatory Sentence)



how +adj. /adv.+...

What a charming woman she is!

How charming a woman she is!

How poorly she performed on the stage!










