
您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >2017翻译硕士考研单项选择第十六组练习题


2016-12-05 03:12:52




41. Most environmental problems exist because adequate measures for preventing them___taken in the past.

A. was not B. were not

C. were not being D. being not

42. During the summer vacation, Mary worked on a (an)____ basis as a salesman, taking 8 percent of everything she sells.

A. salary B. income

C. commission D. pension

43. She listened carefully____she might discover exactly what he wanted.

A. so as that B. in case

C. providing D. in order that

44. Michelle found it difficult to get his British jokes ____to Australian audiences.

A. across B. deal

C. over D. down

45. The news item about the traffic accident is followed by a detailed report made ____.

A. on the spot B. on the location

C. on the ground D. on the site

46. The government____ to approve the use of wide-spead surveillance when the Justice Department took objections.

A. is going B. had been

C. was about D. is coming

47. It is reported that fewer and fewer of todays workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field, ____the same company.

A. much worse B. less likely

C. all else D. let alone

48. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are so excited today, for they bought____ yesterday.

A. many furnitures

B. so much furniture

C. many piece of furniture

D. a lot of furniture

49. Despite their good service provided, most inns are less expensive than hotels of____standards.

A. equivalent B. likely

C. alike D. uniform

50. Because there was little heat in the bed room, Evan was cold ____.

A. much through the night

B. most of the night

C. many parts of the nightD. the majority part of the night

51. You must have the experience that you find your voice ____on the telephone.

A. distorted B. irregular

C. twisted D. deformed

52. President Jimmy gave a brief ____of the history of the university before the opening of the conference.

A. comment B. reference

C. account D. statement

53. Do you like those kinds of cigarette?

____cigarette agrees with me.

A. Hardly no B. Nearly no

C. Barely no D. Almost none

54. When they had finished reading, the children were told to ____all the picture books they had taken out.

A. put up B. put off

C. put away D. put out

55. The harder the shrub is to grow, ____.

A. the higher price it is

B. the higher price it would have

C. the higher the price is

D. the higher is the price

56. Peters father asked him to spend his time on something____ researching into instead of playing all the time.

A. worthy B. valuable

C. worth D. precious

57. It is often more difficult____than to get financial support for scientific research.

A. obtaining trained men B. to find trained men

C. in getting men trained D. recruiting experienced men

58. The new governments tax raise policy actually led to the result that the incomes from taxation actually ____.

A. shrink B. delay

C. disperse D. sink

59. The critics thought the acting was generally poor.

I didnt find ____.

A. it B. it so

C. it to be too D. it was too

60. The behavior of an animal depends mainly on ____, whereas human behavior is mostly a product of learning.

A. instinct B. impulse

C. consciousness D. response

61. The patients believe that Dr. Smith knows exactly how to put them ____. A. right B. correct

C. well D. straight

62. Do you regret paying fifty dollars for the dog?

No, I would gladly pay ____for him.

A. as much twice B. twice so much

C. much twice D. twice as much

63. We were suddenly ____when I was speaking to John on the phone.

A. hung B. cut down

C. cut off D. hung back

64. Did Annys parents leave her any money?

No, she has to support ____now.

A. by herself B. herself

C. all alone D. on her own

65. The meeting was so prolonged and exhausting that____the speakers stopped for refreshments.

A. at large B. at ease

C. at intervals D. at random

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