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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >考研英语从真题出发看心态作文如何写


2016-11-05 02:11:34


Directions: write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay you should

1) describe the drawing briefly

2) explain its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20 points)

这个图片是201年的真题,本题为现象阐述题型。一种普遍的现象通过漫画展示出来,而且在漫画中有明确的文字说明,揭示了漫画所反映的主题,在行文时需要对文章中所反映的现象进行一定的描述,再给出对现象的评论和态度。大家在看的时候首先应该立意,明确主题。考生一看画,映入眼帘的是一瓶倾倒在地上、哗哗流,对待这种现象旁边的两个人看法截然不同,一个人看上去很悲伤,一个人看上去依然乐观。这幅画折射出一个很重要的问题:心态,即我们应该怎样去看待周围的世界。这篇文章主要讲的就是乐观的生活、乐观自信的态度去看待事物。第二步,我们就是对图表进行描述,描述的细节越是具体且贴近主题,分值就会越高。越是细节的东西越是可以反映个人的能力梯度。如下面个人觉得比较好的一段:As is unfolded in the cartoon above, in front of a knocked-over bottle of water with most water flowing out stand two men. One man, looking rather upset, says There is nothing left. How unlucky I am!, while the other one quickly picks up the bottle, saying I am such a lucky dog, and there is still some still some left. How vivid the cartoon is! The two men show quite different attitudes toward the same situation.

第二段可以从各个方面进行论述,如比较、对比、举例等手法都是可以的。第二段其实就是对第一段论点的阐述和论证。大家在叙述时保持论点清晰、论据分述。如此范文个人觉得写得还不错,拿来和大家共赏:Without any doubt, the purpose of the cartoon is to show us that we should keep optimistic no matter what circumstances we undergo. First and foremost, it is universally held that life is by no means perfect and in the course of life we are bound to experience and encounter a variety of difficulties. In order to achieve our goal, we should tackle the obstacles positively rather than in a negative way. In the second place, according to some research findings, a positive attitude does good to our life in that it will assist us in solving the tough issues.

后一段一般都是会从解决问题、总结论点、再次论述等,如From what has been argued above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that we should embrace attitudes and behave confidently. Only in this way can we solve the issues confronting us successfully.





背会这些优美的句子 英语写作至少提五分!










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