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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >如何在非英语环境里练就完美英语?


2016-01-21 10:01:54


Learn how to think in English.


This is undoubtedly the best way to improve your fluency. When you are thinking about a topic, try to make English sentences in your head. This will also make you aware of what vocabulary you still need to learn in order to express yourself.


Work hard on your pronunciation


You have access to lots of recordings of native English speakers. Go to our website,use your pause button and repeat sentences that you hear, trying to match the pronunciation. If you prefer movies, watch DVDs. This will improve your listening ability too. The message is: expose yourself (给自己接触某事的机会)to as much audio of native English speakers as possible.


Keep reading is very important


I think that reading can do wonders for (对...产生奇效) your vocabulary and also for your grammar and fluency since books are, after all, full of examples of perfect English sentences. Instead of interacting with English speakers, do the next best thing: interact with English-language books, radio programmes and films.


Try social media


But you should also try hard to meet English speakers, and remember that this doesnt need to be face-to-face. Its great that all of you come to this blog but remember that there are thousands of other English language blogs too. Maybe its time to try out your English skills in public?!











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