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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >2017考研趣味阅读:太空中开出了第一朵花儿


2016-01-19 03:01:44

Science is blooming stronger than ever.


NASA astronaut Scott Kelly tweeted a photo over the weekend of the first flower to ever bloom in space. Kelly cared for the orange zinnia for over a month.


The Veggie plant growth facility aboard the International Space Station chose the zinnia flower species because its longer growth cycle can help astronauts and scientists understand how plants grow in microgravity.


While the plants havent grown perfectly, Gioia Massa, NASA science team lead for Veggie, said in a statement. I think we have gained a lot from this, and we are learning both more about plants and fluids and also how better to operate between ground and station.


This was not the first time attempt at growing zinnias, though.


Other astronauts aboard the ISS began growing the colorful flowers last year, but due to high humidity and low air flow, the plants leaked water out of the tips of their leaves. Mold was also affecting the growth.


Kelly then took over the operation and began tending to the plants as he would in his own garden. The ISS also successfully grew red romaine lettuce in July 2015. Kelly even took a bite of the harvested plants and posted the photo on his Twitter account.


NASAs next experimental growth using the Veggie plant growth system will be later this year. Astronauts will attempt to grow Chinese cabbage.


The space agency will then attempt at growing dwarf tomatoes in 2018.



growth cycle:生长周期

Chinese cabbage:大白菜








