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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >英语里那些曾犯过的错


2016-01-19 10:01:55

1. 让我来帮你完成工作吧。

Incorrect: Let me help you to do your work.

Correct: Let me help you with your work.

2. 我建议你去休个长假。

Incorrect: I recommend you to take a long vacation.

Correct: I recommend that you take a long vacation.

3. 过来。

Incorrect: Come to here.

Correct: Come here.

4. 太阳从东方升起。

Incorrect: The sun rises from the East.

Correct: The sun rises in the East.

5. 小偷是从窗户爬进来的。

Incorrect: The thief got in from the window.

Correct: The thief got in through the window.

6. 让我们从第10页开始。

Incorrect: Lets begin from page 10.

Correct: Lets begin at(on) page 10.

7. 我耐心有限。

Incorrect: There is a limit in my patience.

Correct: There is a limit to my patience.

8. 请在白线内等待。

Incorrect: Please wait inside the white line.

Correct: Please wait behind the white line.

9. 你家房子买了火险吗?

Incorrect: Is your house insured for fire?

Correct: Is your house insured against fire?

10. 我没地方住。

Incorrect: I have no house to live.

Correct: I have no house to live in.

11. 脸好脏!照照镜子。

  Incorrect: What a dirty face! Look at the mirror.

  Correct: What a dirty face! Look in the mirror.

  12. 这是我房间门钥匙。

  Incorrect: This is the key of my room.

  Correct: This is the key to my room.

  13. 我准备去上一个为期两年的英语课程。

  Incorrect: I am going to take a two-year course of English.

  Correct: I am going to take a two-year course in English.

  14. 末班车11点开,现在已经快11点了,赶紧的!

  Incorrect: The last bus leaves at eleven oclock. Its about eleven now, Hurry!

  Correct: The last bus leaves at eleven oclock. Its nearly (almost) eleven now, Hurry!

  15. 把手从电线末端挪开。

  Incorrect: Leave your hand from the end of the wire.

  Correct: Let go of the end of the wire.

  16. 靠右走。

  Incorrect: Keep the right.

  Correct: Keep to the right.

  17. 不关你的事。

  Incorrect: It is not of only your business.

  Correct: It is none of your business.  










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