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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >2017考研趣味阅读:职业拥抱师,送上暖心的拥抱


2015-12-25 02:12:38

Spooning peacefully in a double bed, this pair could be any normal couple on a Sunday morning. But revisit the scene an hour later and Jackie Samuel, a University of Rochester graduate student, will be curled up in the arms of another man.


The 29-year-old is a professional cuddler. She turned to snuggling with strangers to help pay for her studies and provide for her young son.


She cuddles with up to 30 men a week - including pensioners and war veterans.


She said: I think I was born knowing how to snuggle. Snuggling is healthy, spiritual and fun.


I think clients come to me for all different kinds of reasons. Some of my older clients, their wives have passed away, and they just need someone to be with, like someone to experience touch with.


Some of the younger clients are between relationships, some are in problematic relationships, and some people are just really curious and they come to just find out what its going to be like.











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