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2015-09-24 10:09:36


  verb + with

accord with 相符合、associate with 把联系起来、charge sb. with 控告(或指控)某人犯罪、

consult with商议、cope with 应付,处理、correspond with 通信;符合、identify with

把和等同起来、interfere with 妨碍,干扰、part with 和分开,舍弃、supply with 向提供、sympathize with 同情

  be + adj + prep

be bound to do sth.肯定做某事 、be liable to punishment应受罚、be liable to do sth.往往,易于做、

be partial to偏袒,偏爱、be identical with和一模一样 、be alert to警觉,警惕、be superior to优于,比高级、

be inferior to 劣于,比差、be similar to相似 、be preferable to更可取,更好、be comparable to

可相齐并论、 be equivalent to相当于,等值于、be parallel to平行,类似于、 be sensitive to敏感、

be particular about挑剔、be curious about好奇、be bored with厌倦、 be ignorant of不知道,不懂、

be ashamed of羞愧、 be economical of节省、be keen on 热衷于










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