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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >阅读例证题及词义句意题的分类总结


2015-08-25 09:08:21



1. 例子在文中,观点在同一段的前面

【2001 text 2 57.】【2003 text 4 57.】【2007 text 4 38.】

2. 例子在段首,观点为段落结尾句

【2003 text 2】

48. The example of the grandmotherly woman is used to show the publics ________.

[A]discontent with animal research

[B]ignorance about medical science

[C]indifference to epidemics

[D]anxiety about animal rights


对比:【2004 text 2】

46. What does the author intend to illustrate with AAAA cars and Zodiac cars?

[A] A kind of overlooked inequality

[B] A type of conspicuous bias

[C] A type of personal prejudice

[D] A kind of brand discrimination


3. 例子独立一段,观点在前面

二阶真题阅读中没有,这种情况比如在2002 text 1这篇文章中二段整段都为例子,其论证的观点就在一段。

4. 例子在but转折句的后半句,观点在前半句

【2006 text 4】

36.By citing the examples of poets Wordsworth and Baudelaire, the author intends to show that ________.

[A] poetry is not as expressive of joy as painting or music

[B] art grows out of both positive and negative feelings

[C] poets today are less skeptical of happiness

[D] artists have changed their focus of interest


对比【2002 text 2】

50.The author uses the example of a monkey to argue that robots are ________.

[A] expected to copy human brain in internal structure

[B] able to perceive abnormalities immediately

[C] far less able than human brain in focusing on relevant information

[D] best used in a controlled environment

【分析】这道例证题的特点和前面一道例证题的特点是如出一辙的,共同点是都是在一个but转折句中,且是由,隔开的两个分句,这道题的例子在后面的分句中,是用来论证前面主句的内容的,正确答案为C。两道例证题的另外一个共同点是除了定位句之外,都涉及到了另外一个点:2006 text 4 36题是两种态度,2002 text 2是机器人,所以除了定位在but句之外,还需要结合段落中心和文章中心,以及相关定位点所涉及的位置,这是因为but表示转折,必然定位的时候会涉及到but前面的内容,才能保证信息点完整。



1. 并列关系

A.并列连词:and, too, as well:2006 text 4 37.

B.标点符号::2004 text 1 43.

C.对照结构:2005 text 4 37、2005 text 1 22.

D.相似构词法:2007 text 1 22.

2. 转折关系:2004 text 3 51.、2005 text 2 28.

3. 解释限定:、双破折号、括号、定语从句、同位语从句、例子:2002 text 4 59. 、2002 text 2 47.

4. 根据段首尾句的照应关系或文章中心:2005 text 4 37.、2006 text 4 37..










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