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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >考研英语经济学人双语阅读:南极洲


2015-08-19 10:08:24



  Core values


The southern continent hots up


ANTARCTICA is 2,700km away. Yet as the briefaustral summer fades, for Hobart, the capital of theAustralian state of Tasmania, it is big business. The town is home to the Australiangovernments Antarctic Division and Frances Antarctic programme. The two countries ageingicebreakers are busy supplying their research stations. Australia is trying out a new researchand supply vessel, which dwarfs its part of the harbour.


In early January the Falkor, a research vessel funded by Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google (anda member of The Economists board), steamed into Hobart. Its research budget wouldquicken the pulse of any ocean scientist, and the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies atthe University of Tasmania threw a party for the crew. Among other topics, the institutesresearchers are studying why the Earth is warming more slowly than models predict. Onereason could be the cold Southern Ocean, a powerful climate regulator.


Though there are (disputed) territorial claims, the 1959 Antarctic Treaty sets Antarctica aside asa scientific reserve. States assert themselves by building bases and planting flagpoles. Thedozen original signatories have swelled to 50, including India and South Korea. China, whichsigned up in 1983, has the fastest-growing presence. Some 350 features now have Chineseplace-names (there is even a Great Wall).


Chinas annual Antarctic spending has grown from $20m to $55m in a decade, and it has fivebases. Its Ukrainian-built icebreaker, the Xue Long (Snow Dragon), shuttles between the Arcticand Antarctic summers, and will be joined in 2016 by a new vessel. Yet co-operation remainsessential in this remote and hostile environment, and it relies on Russia and Australia forhelp with logistics and supplies.


Chinas long-term interest may be in resources. But mining has been banned in the Antarcticsince 1998, and that would be hard to change if most countries active there resisted it. Fornow, scientists in Hobart say the Chinese are doing impressive research. Most ambitious is anattempt to drill 2.5km into Antarcticas highest ice dome. Trapped air may reveal the secretsof 1.3m years of climate change. But extracting samples without contaminating them is onlyone of many challenges. And, whisper Australian scientists gleefullyfor co-operation has itslimitsthe Chinese may not be drilling in the best place.



1.sign up 签订合同; 报名

He has posted a sign up that says No Fishing


They manage to sign up all the best performers.


3.attempt to 尝试,企图

These feelings are likely to make people attempt tooverthrow the system.


The action seemed a clumsy attempt to topple the Janata Dal government.












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