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2015-08-19 10:08:52


1、affiliate, link, attach都有附加的意思,用法不同。

affiliate v.加入,成为一部分。

E.g. This middle school is affiliated to the university. 这所中学附属于那所大学。

link v.将人或物连接起来。

E.g. Television stations around the world are linked by satellite.


attach v.将某物系在、贴在、附在另一物上,一般与to连用。

E.g. With the skin gone, to what can the hair attach itself. 皮之不存,毛将焉附?

2、affirm, assert, allege, claim, announce, proclaim这一组动词都有声称的意思。

affirm v.坚信不疑地肯定或宣称,是deny的反义词。

E.g. Everything I had accomplished seemed to affirm that opinion.


assert v.指不管事实如何,主观自信地宣称,或者清楚有力地坚持某个情况为事实。

E.g. The republics began asserting their right to govern themselves.


allege v.在无真凭实据的情况下宣称、断定。

E.g. The newspapers allege that the police shot the suspect without warning.


claim v.要求,声称,断言。多指根据某种规定提出的要求或主张。

E.g. An underground organization has claimed responsibility for the bomb explosion.


announce v.宣布,宣告。多指首次当众正式宣布某一主张或态度,常带有预告意味。

E.g. He will announce tonight that he is resigning from office. 他今晚将宣布他要辞职

proclaim v.宣布;宣告(成立)。指经过深思熟虑后向大众宣布一个明确的决定或判断,尤其指重大事件的宣布,多用于官方场合。

E.g. Britain proudly proclaims that it is a nation of animal lovers.


3、aggravate, reinforce, increase, strengthen, intensify这一组动词都有加强的意思。

aggravate v.加重(负担、罪行、病情等),使之恶化。

E.g. Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation. 紧张和缺少睡眠会使情况恶化。

reinforce v. 增援,一般用于军队或警察的行动;(添材料等)加固。

E.g. Both sides have been reinforcing their positions after yesterdays fierce fighting.


increase v. 指数量上的增加。

E.g. The population continues to increase. 人口持续增长。

strengthen v.加强,巩固,增强,相当于to become stronger。

E.g. We must strengthen our unity in the face of powerful enemies.


intensify v. 使变得更强烈、剧烈,加剧,相当于to become more intense or intensive。

E.g. The conflict is almost bound to intensify. 冲突几乎注定会加剧。

4、alert, cautious, considerate都表示小心的,谨慎的。

alert adj. 警惕的,留神的。

E.g. The alert leopard went up to a deer quietly. 警觉的豹子静悄悄地走近一只鹿。

cautious adj. 细心的,谨慎的。

E.g. Employers may become overly cautious about taking on new staff.


considerate adj. 关心他人的,体贴的。

E.g. It was considerate of you to bring me my raincoat. 你为我带来雨衣,真是想得周到。

5、alive, live, living, lively这一组形容词都跟活有关。

alive adj. 活着的,有活力的,常作表语,作定语时必须后置。

E.g. The big factories are trying to stay alive by cutting costs.


live adj. 活的,有活力的,现场直播的。

E.g. A live band is always a good draw at a party.


living adj.活着的,作定语可前可后,可修饰人也可修饰物。

E.g. He was the greatest living novelist in England. 他是英国活着的最伟大的小说家。

lively adj. 活泼的,栩栩如生的

E.g. Shes a lively child and popular with everyone.










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