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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >容易混淆的考研英语词汇(五)


2015-08-19 09:08:34


1. distinctivedistinct

distinctive 有特色的,独特的

distinct 清楚的,明显的a distinct smell of alcohol on his breath; the distinctive stripes of the zebra.

2. dualduel

dual 二重的dual personality 双重人格;dual control 双重管辖;

duel 决斗,竞争fight a duel with sb. 与某人决斗;challenge sb. to a duel 向某人提出决斗;a duel of wits 斗智。

3. eatableedible

eatable a. 可食用的,可吃的n. 食物、食品。

edible a. 适合食用的,可以吃的n. 食品。

在指吃的时候二者可通用:The toast was burnt and barely eatable/edible. 但在其他情况下不一样。

If something is eatable, it may be eaten (though it may not be safe or desirable to do so); but, if something is edible it is safe to eat.

4. economicaleconomic

economic 经济学的,经济上的 an economic survey of Scotland 苏格兰经济调查;an economic blockade 经济封锁;

economical 节俭的,经济的Hes had to learn to be more economical now that his only income is a small pension.

5. evokeinvoke

evoke 唤起,引起evoke admiration 引起羡慕。

invoke 祈求(神灵)保佑,乞灵于,行使(法权);If our case fails in the national courts we will invoke the European Declaration on Human Rights.

6. fatalfateful

fatal causing death or disaster 致命的 a fatal disease 不治之症;a fatal wound 致命伤。

fatefulcrucial, significant, deciding ones fate 重大的,决定性的,决定命运的 On that one fateful day in October, millions of pounds werewiped off the value of shares.

7. fictionalfictitious

fictional 虚构的,小说的

fictitious 虚构的,编造的 (denotes something that is not real and has been created with the intention of deceiving others);He gave the police afictitious name.

8. historicalhistoric

historical 有关历史的,历史的, the historical period 历史阶段;historical personage 历史人物。

historic 历史上有名的,有历史意义的,historic town 历史名城。

9. impassableimpassible

impassable 不能通行的,不可逾越的an impassable swam 不能通行的沼泽地。

impassible 不感疼痛的;无动于衷的 an impassible God 无动于衷的神。

10. inferimply

infer 猜想,臆测,推断infer a motive from an effect 从效果推知动机。

imply 含有的意思 Do you realize what his words imply? 你领会他说话的含意吗?I do not imply that you are wrong. 我的意思不是说你错了。










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