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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >帮你轻松搞定考研英语长难句(十八)


2015-08-13 10:08:54



  The previous researches suggest that our dreams may have some role in emotional stability. That does not necessarily mean, most dream researchers believe, that dreams are random expressions of emotion or devoid of some intellectual meaning. While some scientists maintain that dream patterns are strictly the result of how different neurons in the brain are firing, Deirdre Barrett, a psychologist and dream researcher at Harvard Medical School, believes they represent something more.


  1.devoid of = lack of 缺乏,没有

  2.Random 随机的

  3.Emotional 情感的

  4.Intellectual 智力和思维的,理性的,理智的;

  5.Necessarily 一定;not necessarily 未必

  6.Neurons 神经元

  7. strictly 可以表示强调,这里=only=purely= no more than

  8.previous 之前的


  1. The previous researches suggest that our dreams may have some role in emotional stability. Have some role in = play some role in

  译文: 之前的研究表明,梦对于稳定情绪可能起一定作用。

  2. That does not necessarily mean, most dream researchers believe, that dreams are random expressions of emotion or devoid of some intellectual meaning.

  开头的that指代前面的那个句子;先翻译插入语:most dream researchers believe


  3. While some scientists maintain that dream patterns are strictly the result of how different neurons in the brain are firing, Deirdre Barrett, a psychologist and dream researcher at Harvard Medical School, believes they represent something more.

  While: 很多时候都是表示:虽然;

  翻译难点:the result of how different neurons in the brain are firing. 直接翻译:大脑中不同神经元如何放电(firing)的结果

  其实这里的how 只是起到一个连接作用,翻译的时候可以不用翻译出来, 修正以后:大脑中不同神经元放电(firing)的结果。

  译文:虽然一些科学家坚持认为,梦境模式就是大脑中不同神经元活跃(firing)的结果,但哈佛大学医学院心理学家和梦境研究者Deirdre Barrett表示,梦境还表达了其他意思。  











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