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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >帮你轻松搞定考研英语长难句(十)


2015-08-12 09:08:11

Social- media firms are investigating whether they can tap the micro transactions market say, by offering virtual currencies or goods that users can use as barterthough forced partnerships with local telecoms firms threaten the profitability of such schemes.


tap 开发

micro transactions 微交易


virtual currencies 虚拟货币

profitability 收益性

schemes 计划

Say 比如说,常用来举例。

【主干识别】Social-media firms are investigating whether+宾语从句

【其他成分】插入语: by offering virtual currencies or goods that users can use as barter that users can use as barter 定语从句修饰goods. 根 据语义可以判断出不是修饰currencies

【状语从句】 though forced partnerships with local telecoms firms threaten the profitability of such schemes.

再解释一下:forced partnerships with local telecoms firms threaten the profitability of such schemes.

结构:A threaten B

主语A:forced partnerships with local telecoms firms(forced 强迫性的)(强迫性的同当地电信公司的合作关系)核心主语:partnerships; B: the profitability of such schemes












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