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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >考研英语(二)完形填空之反义有答案


2014-11-27 10:11:03

根据考研英语大纲要求,完形填空(英语知识应用)在词汇层面的考查会从该词汇的词义、生成、相关词组以及词汇之间的关系等方面展开。短短的文字信息透露给我们反义词辨析将会成为完形填空考查的一个考点。但是对于各位考生而言,这类考查题目又将会以何种形式出现呢?我们一起来观察一下2013年英语二完形填空的11题的答案选项[A] before [B] after [C] since [D] when,不难察觉这组选项中有一对表示时间先后的反义词before和after。然后我们再观察题干the use of paper checks gives consumers several days of float - it takes several days __11___ a check is cashed and funds are withdrawn from the issuers account, which means that the writer of the check can earn interest on the funds in the meantime.,很容易就推断出该题目是让我们选择支票兑现时间方面的问题,而后文中的earn interest on the funds又为答案提供线索,能在银行赚取利息必然是支票兑换成现金之前的事。


with the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery, often in the ____6_____ of any medical treatment

6 [A] progress [B] absence [C] presence [D] favor

以2010年考研英语(二)的第六题为例,首先,我们大略地扫读答案选项,发现其中包含一对严格意义上的反义词absence和presence。这时我们就可以大胆地推测该题目就是考查这对反义词的辨析,然后我们将这两个词分别带入题干,构成短语in the absence of(无时)和in the presence of(存在时)。最后,通过上文中的mild symptoms and a full recovery就可以轻易地排除presence了。

His reports 16 the Willie cartoons of famed Stars and Stripes artist Bill Malden.

Both men 17 the dirt and exhaustion of war, the fragments of civilization that the soldiers shared with each other and the civilians: coffee, tobacco, whiskey, shelter, sleep.

16. [A]paralleled [B]counteracted [C]duplicated [D]contradicted

17.[A]neglected [B]avoided [C]emphasized [D]admired

2012年的16也考查了同学们的反义辨析。我们首先观察16题的答案选项。 [A]paralleled(平行,一致)和[D]contradicted(矛盾、相驳)选项就是一对严格意义上的反义词,也就是说答案应该就暗含在这两个词中。继续看下文,我们无须知道17题选什么,通过both(两者都)一词就可以将16题选出,答案为A选项。








