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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >考研英语写作小作文之证明信


2014-10-30 09:10:53

在考研英语的Part A 小作文部分,书信作为考查的重点所在,种类繁多。在前面我们曾就以题目为例,详细地解析过前14种书信:即建议信、投诉信、咨询信、感谢信、祝贺信、道歉信、慰问信、申请信、求职信、推荐信、介绍信、辞职信、邀请信和拒绝信的写作方法及其注意事项。今天本文就对考研英语小作文中的第十五种书信证明信进行深入的分析。

证明信,英文中称为letter of certification,是由个人所在单位、学校或相关人员、部门出具的证明个人身份、学习经历、工作经历或其他一些事实真相的一种常用应用文。




You are the head of the Student Union in Tsinghua University and your subordinate, Zhao Jun, who is the leader of Green Association, has applied for a job in IEPOA and needs your certification of his campus activities.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Student Union instead.

Do not write the address.



首段:This is a letter of intention to certify that Mr. Zhao Jun has been a leader of Green Association since 2013. Green Association is the biggest association in our university hosted by volunteering students who intend to protect environment.

一般来说,书信中第一段的主要内容就是表明自己的写信目的。同样证明信也不能例外,所以第一段依然还是表明自己写本封证明信的目的。而且,作为一种比较格式化的书信,第一句的句型表达也比较固定,可以用 This is a letter of intention to certify that。除此之外,在所要证明的内容中,若涉及一些并不广为人知的专有名词,则需进行简单介绍,以防收信人理解错误、造成误会或者根本就不知道所讲之物。

中段:Mr. Zhao organized several big environment-protecting programs, such as Battery Recycle Project, Tree Planting Project etc. During his tenure, he has shown outstanding organizing capability and strong responsibility. He gets along with his colleagues very well and is admired by other members.


尾段:If there is any further information needed regarding this gentleman, please do not hesitate to contact me.



1. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information!

2. It is hereby certified that

3. If there is any information regarding this gentleman, please do no hesitate to let me know.

4. My observation of is that

5. Its my pleasure to give evidence that

6. It is suggested that


To Whom It May Concern,

This is a letter of intention to certify that Mr. Zhao Jun has been a leader of Green Association since 2013. Green Association is the biggest association in our university hosted by volunteering students who intend to protect environment.

Mr. Zhao organized several big environment-protecting programs, such as Battery Recycle Project, Tree Planting Project etc. During his tenure, he has shown outstanding organizing capability and strong responsibility. He gets along with his colleagues very well and is admired by other members.

If there is any further information needed regarding this gentleman, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely yours,

Student Union











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