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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >考研英语作文范文学习方法:对比和归纳


2014-08-19 10:08:00

集中复习某个题材后,考生就能体会出该题材范文中的一些用词规律;对该题材的用词进行系统总结后,考生就能将这些常用语用于类似题材,逐渐学会举一反三。例如,以下词组就经常用于与励志题材相关的作文题目中:rest on their glory、experience unexpected setbacks、take positive view towards their life、respond to new challenges、seldom become depressed、never yield to pessimism、deal with failure rationally、display pioneering spirit、achieve spectacular success。参考这些词汇,考生在2004年的考研英语作文题《终点就是新起点》中就可以这样写:

The picture tells us that confidentyoung people should never rest on their glory. Instead, they must respond tonew challenges. Forone thing, it is important that these youngsters never become depressed,nor do they yield to pessimism. For another thing, they are supposed to displaypioneering spirit.As a result, it is possible for them to takepositive view towards their life, deal with failure rationally andachieve spectacular success.

上述表达也同样适用于2007年考研英语作文题《信心》,只不过考生需要根据题目有所取舍:Thepicture tells us that confident young people should never yield to pessimism.Instead, they must take positive view towards their life. For one thing, it is importantthat these youngsters never become depressed, when they experienceunexpected setbacks. For another thing, they are expected to deal withfailure rationally and respond to new challenges.As a result, it ispossible for them to achieve spectacular success.

上述表达也适用于2012年考研英语作文题《乐观》:The picture abovetells us that young people should never yield to pessimism. For one thing, they must takepositive view towards their life. For another thing, it is important thatthese people never become depressed, when they experience unexpectedsetbacks. As a result, it is possible for them to deal withfailure, display pioneering spirit and achieve spectacular success.












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