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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >如何描写大作文中的四种漫画?


2014-08-06 01:08:57



As is depicted in the picture, two people are enjoying the scenery in a boat. However, in the lower part of the picture, there is a lot of rubbish, such as empty bottles, plastic packages and so on. The words under the picture read: leaving something behind during the journey.

描述一图型的漫画时,概括、简要是关键词,太过琐碎的细节不需要包括,把图中的主要人物,主要事件交代清楚即可。在动作的描写上,不必面面俱到,描写最主要的动作即可,如上文,作者仅仅用了一句two people are enjoying the scenery in a boat.就将船上出现人物的主要动作概括。


As we can see in the first picture, 30 years ago, a young mother held hand with her little girl. In the second picture which sets in present day, the little girl, who has already grown up, held her aged mothers arm. In both pictures, two people smiled wholeheartedly and their arms were tightly held.

该种类型的漫画在描述时应注意:因主题相似,因此在动作、事件上也必然有共性相似的地方,可先描述两幅图独有的动作和事件内容,然后对于共性的动作、事件,放在一句话中描述即可,如上文所示,当看到前后两幅图中母子都笑的很开心时,作者将这一动作放在一句话当中:In both pictures, two people smiled wholeheartedly and their arms were tightly held.


As is revealed in the picture above, a bottle rolled across the table, dropping onto the floor, and the water inside gushed out. Two men react in absolutely different ways to the same event. One is saying with a smile that luckily there is some water left, while the other says in desperation thatEverything screwed up!

对于此类漫画,在交代主体事件的基础上,对于更加具体的不同事件或动作的对比是描写的关键,在表示对比时,one...while the other...是常用的关键句型。


The cartoon symbolically depicts how three sons and a daughter treat their old, helpless father. They each stand in a different corner of a football field. The eldest son kicks out the father, who huddles up into a ball. The other children are prepared to ward him off. It is sad to see none of them is willing to receive their father.












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