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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >翻译硕士单项选择练习题第七组


2016-12-02 05:12:22




   41. The reporters exposed the corruption of several senior officers in the government; consequently, these officers____to resign from office.

  A. have asked B. were asked C. had asked D. had been asked

  42. The train____ at the present speed until it reaches the next city at about seven oclock this evening.

  A. will be going B. went C. would go D. went

  43. Such____the case, there are no grounds to justify your complaints.

  A. was B. is C. is being D. being 44. I beg____ your nephews wedding.

  A. to be excused B. to be excused from C. to excuse from D. to be excused to

  45. The only candidate____ can hope to defeat him is quit now.

  A. who B. which C. that D. when

  46. Humble____ it may be, theres no place like home, ____he may go.

  A. like, when B. as, wherever C. although, where D. which, wherever

  47. He ought to attend the meeting,____?

  A. should he B. ought he C. shouldnt he D. oughtnt he

  48. Mary is 18 years old this year; she ____19 next year.

  A. will be B. is to be C. is going to be D. should be

  49.Though it was late in the night,____ he continued to work vigorously.

  A. but B. yet C. and D. that

  50. The doctor advised him to stay in bed, saying he was much____.

  A. ill enough B. too ill C. so ill D. very ill

  51. I was ____ study French yesterday, but I changed my mind.

  A. to be starting B. to start C. to have started D. to have been starting

  52. Youd rather go to theater with him this evening, ____?

  A. are you B. hadnt you C. isnt it D. wouldnt you

  53. ____that the formation of the sun, the planets, and other stars began with the condensation of an interstellar gas cloud.

  A. It is believed B. Believing C. Being believed D. To believe

  54. One of the most spectacular qualities of man is notably his____ to any kind of natural environment.

  A. tendency B. adoptability C. adaptability D. availability

  55. Im in no____now to go to concert with you.

  A. mood B. intention C. emotion D. sense

  56. The judger doesnt know whether the witness is telling the truth, but he will ____it.

  A. identify B. enforce C. distinguish D. verify

  57. Before the plane ____, the pilot bailed out.

  A. clashed B. crashed C. smashed D. struck

  58. Doctors often make higher ____ for their works than they should.

  A. charges B. bills C. costs D. payments

  59. Most of the earliest____into America came from Europe.

  A. migrants B. emigrants C. immigrants D. inhabitants

  60. His name was on the____of my tongue, but I just couldnt remember.

  A. edge B. rim C. border D. tip

  61. I caught a____ of the name of the book before she put it into the drawer.

  A. glimpse B. glance C. sight D. stare

  62. Once you become a soldier, you will be given a monthly____by the army.

  A. income B. allowance C. wage D. salary

  63. I called at his house but was refused____.

  A. admission B. access C. reception D. admittance

  64. All too____it was time to go back to school after the Spring Festival.

  A. quick B. soon C. fast D. speedy

  65. He handled the company in____with his brother.

  A. combination B. mixture C. collaboration D. association

  为了帮助考生更好地复习,查字典公务员考研为广大学子推出2017考研押题集训营、VIP一对一系列备考专题,针对每一个科目要点进行深入的指导分析,还会根据每年的考研大纲进行针对性的分析哦~欢迎各位考生了 解咨询。同时,查字典公务员考研一直为大家推出考研直播课堂,足不出户就可以边听课边学习,为大家的考研梦想助力!














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