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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >2017翻译硕士考研:流行新词翻译之“连环退货族”


2016-06-13 11:06:49


连环退货族 Serial returner


Serial returner refers to someone who regularly orders more than they need and sends some of the items back. Three in ten shoppers (30 percent) deliberately over-purchase and subsequently return unwanted items, with one in five (19 percent) admitting to ordering multiple versions of the same item to make up their mind at home safe in the knowledge they can choose from the ever-growing number of ways to quickly and easily send items back.


Shoppers have also come to expect good value regardless of whether theyre making a purchase or a return. Six in ten (58 percent) say a retailers returns policy impacts their decision to make a purchase online, and almost half (47 percent) of these would not order an item if they had to fund the cost of sending it back from their own pocket.


A significant proportion (57 percent) of retailers say that dealing with returns has a negative impact on the day-to-day running of their business, leaving many with no choice but to find another way to recover the cost incurred. A third (33 percent) of online retailers offer free returns but offset the balance by charging for delivery, while one in five (20 percent) increase the price of items to cover the cost of returns.


Serial returners said they would send back fewer purchases if businesses were to standardise clothing and shoe sizes (chosen by 38 percent of shoppers), which can vary between and even within retailers.


One in five (18 percent) said a better in-store experience, such as shortened queues for clothing store fitting rooms so they can try on sizes without the wait, would also reduce the number of returns they make. The same proportion would like retailers to introduce technology to help them better visualise an item when shopping online, such as the ability to try on clothing after uploading an image of themselves.













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