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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >2017考研:工程硕士GCT历年常考英语词汇(5)


2016-06-01 01:06:40


41, over-estimate

Overestimate: v 高估

Dont ever overestimate your capability to solve the tough situation

Underestimate : v 低估

42, asset: n 资产

asset assessment

Intangible assets include brand , service and logo : coca-cola / lenovo

43, perform:

(1) v 表演 the pianist performs well

(2) v 表现,取得业绩

The company performs well and achieves a giant annual revenue

Performance :

(1) n 表现,表演

(2) n 业绩

the state owned enterprises performance

44, convincing evidence

45, contrary: n 相反

On the contrary : adv :

Ordinary people think he lives a happy life. On the contrary his life is plain and hard Be in contrary to : prep his idea is in contrary to his leaders

46, cancer: lung cancer, liver cancer , stomach cancer

Cancel: v 取消 cancel the task

47, found: v

(1) find found found

(2) found founded founded 成立 ,修建,创建

The communist party was founded in 1921

Foundation: n (1) (2) 地基

Fundamental :

(1) adj 基础的:

Constitution is the fundamental law in china

(2) 根基

These vocabularies serve as the fundamentals for your exam

48, silver : 银,


Silver lining 一线希望

Some people even saw a potential silver lining in their bottom line.

49, pose :

(1)v/n 姿势,摆姿势 pose for pictures

(2) v 提出 = raise : pose a tough problem to solve

50, chin: n 下巴

chin and jaw Chew: v 咀嚼 chewing gum 口香糖












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