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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >2017考研:工程硕士GCT历年常考英语词汇(4)


2016-06-01 01:06:21


31, sanguine:

(1) 血红的

(2) adj 乐观的 = optimistic

Sanguine attitude toward life

32, tend: v

tend to do 倾向于 ,有可能做 ,容易

Females tend to be moved by love affair movies

Tendency: n 倾向,趋势

Trend : n 倾向,趋势

33 positive attitude

34, outlook:

(1) v/n 展望, 前景

The optimists tend to view positive outlooks for the coming ages

35, anxious:

(1) adj 担心的,焦虑的

Be anxious about sth

(2) adj渴望的 be anxious for

I am anxious for knowledge and freedom/ liberty

The Lady of Liberty /

Anxiety: (1) n 担心 (2) 渴望

36, heart disease: 心脏病

heart disease attacks him frequently

37, attitude:

optimistic attitude toward life

38, author: n 作者

the author contributed all his income to charity( 慈善)

Authority: n 当局,权利机构

The school authority prohibited swimming in summer without adults company

The authority

39, cause :

(1) n 原因 because

(2) v 导致

His carelessness caused his failure

(3) n 事业

We shall put forward the cause of construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics

40, analyze : v 分析

analyze the current situation and find out a solution

Analytical: adj 分析的 analytical capability/ competence

Analyst: n 分析师,分析家,分析人士 The securities analysts ideas tend to mislead ordinary people in china












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