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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >2017考研:工程硕士GCT历年常考英语词汇(2)


2016-06-01 01:06:56


11, competent: adj 有能力的, competence : 能力

Able ability

Capable 有能力的 Capability能力

He is completely capable to solve the tough problems

= he is completely competent to ------------------.

Be competent to do sth

Ent/ant- : adj


Disable : v 使得----残疾

Seats reserved for the old , the young , the ill , the disabled and the pregnant.

12, convenience: n 方便,便利

Nowadays, modern transportation vehicles bring us great conveniences, such as subway!

Convenient : adj 方便的,便利的

Please answer my letter when you are convenient

13, conscious: adj 有意识的,知道的,没有昏迷的



Sci--- science

Be conscious of = be aware of

He is still unaware of the danger of the situation.

Subconscious: n/adj 潜意识

Subconscious indicates that you shall marry him.

14, complete: (1) v 完成 = finish : complete the task

(2) adj 完全的 completely competent to solve the problems

15, circumstance: n 环境,情形

Under this circumstances: = in/on this occasion:

Under no circumstances: 绝不 = by no means : 倒装 = in no way ( Under no circumstances shall we betray our friends

16, situation: n 情形,形式 , 局势 he is not conscious of the situation

17, occasion: n 情形 , in/on this occasion:

In this occasion how can you expect a good consequence?

Occasionally = sometimes 有时

Cascase : in this case

18, moment: (1) n 时刻 at this moment

(2) n 时机,机遇

  Moments and opportunity are important factors for success

  19, will : (1) (2) n 遗嘱

  The lawyer followed his grandfathers will and allocated the wealth

  (3) n 意愿,意志力 where there is a will, there is a way

  =where there is life ,there is a way

  Willing: adj 愿意的 be willing to do sth

  ---- be unwilling to do sth / be reluctant to do sth He is unwilling/reluctant to offer me the moments/ opportunities .












