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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >2017考研:工程硕士GCT历年常考英语词汇(1)


2016-06-01 01:06:50


1, en + adj/n : vSure:

Ensure : v 确保,保证 ensure sb to do sth :

If you follow my instructions , i can ensure you that you can pass the entrance exam

Insure : v 给---保险 insurance company // property insurance company

2, confirm : v 确认,确保

I call you just to confirm the meeting date and meeting venue.

I send you the text message just to confirm your willingness of marrying me.

Be willing to do sth

Con/com/col---(1) 一起,一共,(2) 使得

Firm :

3, suppose : (1) v 假设,( assume)

suppose that you are in my place ; how would you solve the problem ?

(2) v be supposed to do sth : = should 应该

You are supposed to clean the room after class

4, convince: v convince sb of sth 说服,劝服某人做,使得----相信

= persuade sb sth

How can I convince you of my true heart?

Convincing: adj 令人信服的, the judge requires convincing evidence.

5, role: (1) n 角色 play the role of sth

(2) n 作用 play the role of sth

He has played a positive/negative role in the business.

6, expect: v 期望,希望

Unexpected consequences

He has achieved an unexpected academic achievements

7, desire: n/v 渴望,欲望

He desired that she should marry him [( should) + do) ]

Desirable consequences

8, technology: tech:

High-tech industry biology industry

i-pod is one of the most influential high-tech products

9, communication:

Communicate: v

(1) 交流,沟通,通讯communicate with sb about sth

China Telecommunication

(2) 传达,表达

Communicate my teaching approach to the neighbor mates

10, far apart : 很远 the couple live far apart , but their hearts stay close












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