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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >2017翻译硕士考研:一周新闻热词(4.9-4.15)


2016-05-19 10:05:23








1. 开门红

a good start


Chinas economy had a good start in the first quarter, data released by the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Friday.


开门红即良好的开端,可以用a(n) good/rosy/auspicious start来表达。国家统计局新闻发言人盛来运表示,我国2016年一季度经济运行延续了稳中有进的发展态势,一些主要指标出现积极变化(positive change)。据国家统计局发布的数据,初步核算,一季度国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product, GDP)158526亿元,按可比价格(comparable prices)计算,同比增长6.7%。盛来运表示,这一增速符合市场预期(be in line with market expectations),仍然处在6.5%-7%的合理区间(reasonable range)。

据盛来运介绍,今年第一季度,我国农业生产(agricultural production)形势平稳,工业生产(industrial production)缓中趋稳,固定资产投资(fixed-asset investment)增速稳中有升(grow steadily and moderately),市场销售(market sales)稳定增长,进出口总额(total value of imports and exports)下降,居民消费价格温和上涨(grow moderately),居民收入增长平稳(increase steadily),结构调整(structural adjustment)步伐加快。总的说来,一季度经济运行平稳,但国内结构调整的阵痛还在持续,同时实体经济(real economy)比较困难,下行压力(downward pressure)不容忽视。


居民消费价格指数 consumer price index (CPI)

第一产业 primary industry

第二产业 secondary industry

第三产业 tertiary industry

净增长 net growth

人均国内生产总值 GDP per capita

2. 美国人权纪录

human rights record of the US


The State Council Information Office published a report titled Human Rights Record of the US in 2015 and a document titled Chronology of Human Rights Violations of the US in 2015 on Thursday.


国务院新闻办发表上述两份文件,回应美国政府发布的国别人权报告(country reports on human rights practices)。人权纪录全文约1.2万字,分为导言(foreword)、公民权利(civil rights)、政治权利(political rights)、经济和社会权利(economic and social rights)、种族歧视(racial discrimination)、妇女和儿童权利(rights for women and children)、粗暴侵犯他国人权(gross violations of human rights in other countries)等部分。


美国枪支管理失控(the use of guns is out of control),公民生命权受到严重威胁(severely threaten citizens right of life)。美国警察暴力执法(the excessive use of violence by police),公民人身安全无法保障(citizens personal security can not be guaranteed)。美国监狱系统腐败丛生(the prison system is plagued by corruption),严重侵犯囚犯人权(severely violate inmates human rights)。美国金钱政治和家族政治(money politics and clan politics)大行其道,公民政治权利难以得到有效保障(the political rights of the citizens are not safeguarded effectively)。美国社会问题(social problems)严重,保障公民经济和社会权利困难重重。美国种族矛盾尖锐(racial conflict is severe),种族关系处于近20年来最差时期(race relations at their worst in nearly two decades)。美国妇女状况不断恶化(the situation for American women is deteriorating),儿童成长环境堪忧(children are living in worrisome environment)。美国仍在公然粗暴侵犯他国人权(still brazenly and brutally violate human rights in other countries),视他国生命如草芥(treat citizens from other countries like dirt)。


大规模收集公民信息 collect bulk data on its citizens

政治贿赂 political bribery

民主虚伪性 hypocrisy in democracy

警察暴行 police brutality

职场歧视 workplace discrimination

校园枪击案 school shooting

平民伤亡 civilian casualty

滥用酷刑 abuse of cruel torture

3. 足球一流强国

top-class soccer nation


China aims to realize the goal of becoming a top-class soccer nation by 2050, according to a plan jointly released on Monday by several government agencies, including the National Development and Reform Commission and the General Administration of Sport.


11日,《中国足球中长期发展规划》(The Mid- and Long-Term Development Plan for Chinese Soccer)(《规划》)出台,中国足球史上首次有了一部时间段明确的长远发展规划。《规划》制定了中国足球近期、中期、远期目标(short-term, mid-term and long-term goals),按照三步走的发展战略(three-step development strategy)将中国建设成为足球强国(soccer powerhouse),内容涉及足球改革(soccer reform)、校园足球普及(popularization of campus soccer)、人才培养(talents training)、场地建设(soccer field construction)等多个方面。

《规划》要求,到2020年,全国特色足球学校(schools with a specialty in soccer)达到2万所,中小学生经常参加足球运动人数超过3000万人(there will be more than 30m primary and middle school students who regularly play soccer),全国足球场地数量超过7万块,使每万人拥有0.5-0.7块足球场地(0.5-0.7 pitch available to every 10,000 people);到2030年,国家男足跻身亚洲前列,女足重返世界一流强队行列(national mens team stand out in Asia and womens team return to the leading powers in the world)。远期目标(2031-2050年)要求实现足球一流强国的目标,中国足球实现全面发展(realize the goals of being a top-class soccer nation and all-round development of Chinese soccer),共圆中华儿女的足球梦想(realize the soccer dream for the entire nation)。


校园足球四级联赛制 four-tier school league system

职业俱乐部 professional club

国际足球联盟 Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)

中超联赛 the Chinese Super League

足球场 field/pitch

裁判 referee

教练 coach

4. 农村学生专项计划

special college enrollment plan for rural students


China will continue to implement a special college enrollment plan for students from impoverished rural areas.


农村学生专项计划(special college enrollment plan for rural students)是国家为促进教育公平(promote education equality)、让更多的农村学生上大学而出台的一项优惠政策(preferential policy)。专项计划主要招收边远(remote)地区、 贫困(impoverished)地区、民族地区(areas inhabited by ethnic minorities)县(含县级市)以下高中勤奋好学、成绩优良的农村学生。

近日,北大、清华、复旦等多所重点高校(key university)陆续发布2016年农村学生单独招生(高校专项计划)简章(special enrollment plans for rural residents)。复旦大学对该校农村学生专项计划腾飞计划作出重大改革,全面取消以往由复旦组织的笔试(written test)、面试(interview)、体验营等环节,代之以网上报名、高校复审、高考录取的流程。

由于学校教育和教育资源存在差距(disparity in schooling and education resources),农村学生接受高等教育(pursue higher education)的难度加大,高校农村学生的比例(the percentage of rural students in universities)也在不断下降。对不少农村家庭来说,高校学费(tuition fees)是重担(a heavy burden),一些成绩优良的学生不得不放弃继续学习的机会。

推行农村学生专项计划只是一个权宜之计(stopgap measure),从长远来看,为了真正实现公平的高等教育,政府需要进一步加大农村地区的教育投入,消除城乡之间的教育差距(eliminate the education gap between rural and urban areas)。


高考 national college entrance exam

录取分数线 enrollment cut-off point, enrollment threshold

学杂费 miscellaneous fees

义务教育 compulsory education

死记硬背 rote learning

5. 公开面试

public audition


A three-day public audition of nine candidates running for the next UN secretary-general concluded Thursday.


联合国大会(General Assembly, GA)12日至14日举行下任秘书长候选人与各会员国(UN member states)之间的非正式对话会(informal dialogues/briefings),这是联合国成立70多年来首次公开面试(openly audition)秘书长候选人。九位候选人分别在规定的两个小时内阐述愿景声明(vision statement),即下一任秘书长面临的挑战、机遇及各自主张,随后接受各国代表(representatives from member nations)和公民社会(civil society)代表的提问。各会员国就如何落实可持续发展议程(sustainable development agenda)、改善联合国维和行动(UN peace-keeping operations)、实现性别平等(gender equality)、联合国内部改革(reform of the UN)等向候选人发问。

联大主席吕克托夫特在面试结束后对媒体说,此次公开面试是推动遴选秘书长过程(the selection process of the UN secretary-general)透明化(transparency)的一大举措。各会员国积极参与,在3天面试中一共提出了800多个问题(more than 800 questions have been raised)。本次面试过后,如果再出现其他候选人,联大也将为他们安排此类面试(the same kind of procedure),确保平等对待(fair play)。

根据《联合国宪章》,秘书长必须首先由安理会推荐,然后由联大任命(Under the UN Charter, the UN secretary-general shall be appointed by the GA upon the recommendation of the Security Council)。安理会将于今年7月开始其遴选过程。


安理会常任理事国 permanent member of the Security Council

公开遴选 open selection

竞聘 compete for a job/post

求职面试 job interview

现任者 incumbent

接任者 successor

6. 告别赛

farewell match, final game, swan song


Tributes to Kobe Bryant went viral on the Internet in China on Thursday after the basketball star scored 60 points in his final game, ending 20 years in the NBA.


告别赛可以用farewell match、final game或swan song来表示。Farewell意为告别,词性是名词,bid farewell to表示向告别。Final game除了指最后一场比赛,也有决赛的意思。Swan song这个说法有点决绝和伤感,传说天鹅在临死之前会发出它这一生当中最凄美的叫声,因此swan song多指隐退或临终前的最后一次努力或表演,比如艺术家的最后作品、演员的告别演出和运动员的告别比赛。

北京时间14日,科比迎来职业生涯最后一战(career finale),洛杉矶湖人(the Los Angeles Lakers)坐镇斯坦普斯中心(Staples Center)对阵犹他爵士(the Utah Jazz)。科比全场独得60分,创造赛季新高(set a season high),上演完美告别,率领湖人以101-96获胜(101-96 victory)。作为NBA的传奇人物(legend),科比曾获得5枚总冠军戒指(five championship rings),两次总决赛最有价值球员(two Finals MVPs),在NBA历史总得分榜排第三位(third all-time leading scorers),18次入选全明星(18-time All-star appearances)。

在NBA最大的海外市场(the NBAs biggest overseas market)中国,科比的人气极高(be immensely popular)。自2006年以来,科比每年至少来华一次。科比每次亮相都会被粉丝和媒体围堵(fans and the media mob him at every public appearance),场面火爆。他的强大粉丝基础(huge fan base)和高出镜率(high exposure)提升了篮球在我国的知名度(raise the sports profile in China)。科比退役之际,粉丝纷纷在社交媒体上尽情倾诉对这位NBA巨星的热爱、支持与钦佩之情(pour their unchecked emotions of love, support and admiration for the NBA icon),朋友圈和微博都被科比刷爆了,#ThankYouKobe#、#KB20#、#科比退役#也成为新浪微博的热门话题(trending topic)。

作为一代巨星,除了自身的竞技能力令人叹服,科比的商业价值也时常成为关注焦点(focus of attention)。除了告别赛当日入场券刷出天价(whopping price)外,由退役概念延伸出的告别巡演、周边产品(derivative product)早已在市场推开。


明星代言 celebrity endorsement

粉丝经济 fan economy

名人效应 celebrity effect

脑残粉 fangirl, fanboy

铁杆粉 die-hard fan, hardcore fan

追星族(尤指年轻女粉丝) groupie












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