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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >2017翻译硕士:一周新闻热词(3.19-3.25)


2016-03-31 04:03:51








1. 澜湄合作机制

Lancang-Mekong Cooperation mechanism


The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) mechanism comes as a natural result of our existing cooperation, and will take full advantage of our close geographic proximity, traditional friendship and complementary economies, said Premier Li Keqiang.


澜沧江湄公河合作机制(the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation mechanism),简称为澜湄合作(Lancang-Mekong Cooperation, LMC),即中国、柬埔寨、老挝、缅甸、泰国、越南6国围绕澜沧江湄公河流域实施可持续开发和开展互惠务实的对话合作机制。

澜湄合作首次领导人会议(the first leaders meeting of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation mechanism)23日在海南三亚举行,以同饮一江水,命运紧相连(Shared River, Shared Future)为主题。

推进澜湄合作是落实习近平主席提出的建设亚洲命运共同体(Asian community of shared destiny)倡议的具体实践,也是为促进此区域发展与繁荣(development and prosperity)提出的中国方案。建立澜湄合作机制是李克强总理在2014年第17次中国─东盟领导人会议上提出的重要倡议,得到湄公河国家(countries along the Mekong river)的积极响应。

澜湄合作机制以政治和安全(political and security issues)、经济和可持续发展(economic and sustainable development)、社会人文(social, cultural and people-to-people exchanges)为三大合作支柱(three cooperation pillars),以互联互通(connectivity)、产能(production capacity)、跨境经济合作(cross-border economic cooperation)、水资源(water resources)、农业(agriculture)和减贫(poverty alleviation)为五个优先方向(five priority areas)。它致力于打造南南合作新典范(a new model of the south-south cooperation)。

澜湄合作仍面临一些挑战:全球及区域经济增长面临下行趋势(downward trend of global and regional economic growth)、减贫(poverty reduction)、差距(development gaps)、水资源管理(water resources management)、非传统安全挑战(non-traditional security threats)如恐怖主义、自然灾害、气候变化、环境问题以及跨境传染病等。六方应携手应对这些挑战。


次区合作 subregional cooperation

社会问题 social affairs

可持续发展 sustainable development

人文交流 people-to-people exchanges

2. 社保费率

social security premium rate


Five provinces, Guangdong, Yunnan, Gansu, Guizhou and Jiangsu, together with two municipalities, Shanghai and Tianjin, have reduced the social security premium rate on companies behalf, in a drive to develop real economy.


社保降费大幕近期在全国拉开,上海成为我国最新一个宣布下调社保费率(social security premium rate)的地区。上海下调了养老保险(endowment insurance)、医疗保险(medical care insurance)和失业保险(unemployment insurance)的费率水平,总费率下降2.5个百分点,预计将为企业2016年全年减负约135亿元(lighten corporate burden by about RMB13.5b this year)。

广东方面,降低社会保险费成本的对象主要是失业、医疗、工伤险(working injury insurance)三种,其中失业险从原来的2%降至1%,预计到今年年底为该省企业节省开支(save corporate expenditures)约350亿元。相较于广东,天津主要是下调失业、生育、工伤三类险种,缴纳费率共降低1.43个百分点(combined 1.43 percentage points)。重庆、青海等省市已出台的供给侧改革(the supply-side reform)意见亦明确,将调整五险一金征缴政策。

此外,对社会保费的精简行动也已进入快车道。山西、湖南、山东目前正在研究制定医疗保险和生育保险合并实施方案(study to combine the medical insurance and maternity insurance),预计将在年底推出。各地纷纷出台下调企业社保缴费费率的措施,是为了给企业减负(ease corporate burden)。据悉,在社保职责(social security obligation)方面,中国企业是全球负担最重的国家之一。


社会保障体系 social welfare system

社保基金 social security funds

基本养老保险 basic endowment insurance

工伤保险 employment injury insurance

失业保险 unemployment insurance

生育保险 maternity insurance

3. 问题疫苗

problematic vaccine


Most of the problematic vaccines involved in a recent illegal sale case have been used, officials from the China Food and Drug Administration said at a news conference on Thursday.


山东警方上月披露了价值5.7亿元的问题疫苗(problematic vaccine),大量未经恰当冷藏的(improper refrigerated )疫苗类产品流入全国24个省份。这些疫苗及生物制品虽为正规厂家生产(produced by licensed manufacturers),但由于未按照国家相关法律规定运输、保存(not transported and stored properly in approved condition),已难以保证品质和使用效果。截至目前,该案各地立刑事案件69起,抓获涉案人员130名。各地已排查出涉嫌违法经营药品经营企业(drug distribution companies that illegally sold vaccines)29家,涉嫌购进非法疫苗的接种机构16家。

我国将疫苗分为两类(two categories)一类和二类疫苗(Category 1 and Category 2 vaccines)。第一类疫苗,是指政府免费向公民提供,公民应当依照政府的规定免费受种的疫苗(residents are required to be vaccinated and there is no charge)。这类疫苗以儿童常规免疫疫苗为主,包括乙肝疫苗(Hepatitis B vaccine)、卡介苗、脊灰减毒活疫苗、百白破疫苗(DPT vaccination)等。第二类疫苗,是指由公民自费并且自愿受种的其他疫苗(the vaccines are not free and residents can choose whether they want to be inoculated)。比如水痘疫苗、流感疫苗(influenza vaccine)、b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗、轮状病毒疫苗等。

此次山东警方通报的这起疫苗案件中,涉事的就属于二类疫苗(the vaccines confiscated in the case fall under the second category)。据称,问题疫苗主要流向了农村或乡镇疫苗接种诊所(rural or township vaccination clinics)。食药监总局药化监督司司长李国庆称,该事件暴露出疫苗流通和使用中存在的监管漏洞(flaws in supervision of vaccine distribution and use)。

问题疫苗最大的问题是可能失效,也就是可能不能为接种者建立有效的免疫屏障(build an effective immune barrier)。22日,世界卫生组织声明称,不正确储存或过期的疫苗(improperly stored or expired vaccines)几乎不会引起毒性反应(toxic reaction),因此在本事件中,疫苗安全风险较低。


疫苗 vaccine

免疫力 immunity

细菌 microbe

接种 inoculate

接种疫苗 vaccination

对免疫 immune to

4. 增值税

value-added tax (VAT)

请看例句: Starting from May 1, the replacement of business tax with value-added tax (VAT) will be extended to construction, real estate, finance and consumer services, said a joint statement from the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation. Second-hand housing transactions will require paying value-added tax, instead of business tax. 财政部和国家税务总局近日共同发布通知,营改增试点5月1日起扩大至建筑、房地产、金融和消费行业。二手房交易将由缴纳营业税改为缴纳增值税。

通知称,北上广深之外的城市,个人将购买不足2年的住房对外销售的(sell a second-hand house which was bought less than two years ago),按照5%的征收率全额缴纳增值税(pay value-added tax at a rate of 5%);个人将购买2年以上的住房对外销售的,免征增值税(enjoy value-added tax exemption)。

增值税的主要特点是以销项税(output tax)减去进项税(input tax),让纳税人只为产品和服务的增值部分纳税;而营业税(business tax, sales tax)则通常按照营业收入(business revenue)总额和适用税率直接征税,不能减除进项税额。营业税改征增值税,即营改增(the replacement of business tax with value-added tax)的减税原理,在于取消了重复征税(duplicated taxation)。全面实施营改增,顺应了供给侧结构性改革(supply-side reform)的减税(tax cut)需求。


财政改革 fiscal reform

结构性减税 structural tax reduction

改革试点行业 pilot sectors

税收负担 tax burden

税级 tax brackets

5. 冒名上大学

fake identity to enter college


Zhang Yingying, the woman who faked the identity of someone else to enter college, has had her diploma invalidated, and nine officials have been sanctioned. However, Wang Nana, who was deprived of campus life, said shes still not satisfied with the results.


如果王娜娜不是去申请银行贷款(apply for a bank loan),她可能永远也不知道自己当年其实考上了大学(had been admitted to college)。因此她有权利要求获知事件的全部真相(she has every right to demand the whole truth),让冤屈得以申诉,正义得以伸张(justice should be done)。

这是一起典型的高校入学欺诈案(college entrance fraud)。虽然现在相关官员以及冒名者本人(the impostor herself)貌似已得到迟来的惩罚(have received belated punishments),但受害者王娜娜仍不清楚,13年前,她的大学入学资格究竟是怎样被人窃取的(how her admittance to the college was stolen by the impostor),更不知那些以权谋私的负责人在这场可耻的骗局中各自扮演了什么角色(their respective roles in this shameful fraud)。要揭开丑闻背后的真相,需要对此事进行独立公正的调查(an independent and fair investigation is needed to disclose the truth behind the scandal)。


文凭窃取 diploma theft

假身份证 fake ID

录取通知书 acceptance letter

高职院校 vocational college

玩忽职守 dereliction of duty

被行政处罚 receive administrative punishment

6. 荧幕恋情

showmance, show romance


Descendants of the Sun, a South Korean drama, has gained great success in China and the showmance of actor Song Joong-ki and actress Song Hye-kyo touched the hearts of many.


荧幕恋情(showmance, show romance)指在戏剧、电影、电视剧以及真人秀中两位演员之间建立的恋爱关系(a relationship which develops between performers in a play, film, television series or reality show)。有些多次合作的演员会成为观众心中经典的荧幕情侣(on-screen couple)。

荧幕恋情通常不太可能发展成长期稳定的恋情(lead to a lasting relationship),通常只能维持到两位演员合作的影视剧完结(it tends to only last for the duration of the show in which the individuals work together)。一般来说,剧终以后不久,这段恋情也就戛然而止了(the relationship comes to an abrupt end shortly after the final episode)。

现在这个词已经可以用来描述任何形式的虚假恋情(contrived romance),人们假装恋爱来达到其他目的(people fake being in love because they have ulterior motives for doing so)。


挚友 fast friend

亲密无间 be as thick as thieves

开始建立友谊 strike up a friendship

柏拉图式恋情 a platonic relationship

暗恋 unrequited love










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