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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >2017翻译硕士:一周新闻热词(3.12-3.18)


2016-03-23 02:03:51








1. 慈善法

charity law


Chinese lawmakers approved the countrys first charity law on Wednesday at the closing meeting of the annual session of the National Peoples Congress.


新法将于今年9月1日起正式实施(take effect/come into force),开启中国依法治善时代。该法被视为是在保护慈善组织(charitable organizations)和捐助者(donors)、志愿者、受益人(beneficiaries)等相关利益者(stakeholders)方面的里程碑(milestone)。

该法分为12章、112条,对慈善活动(charitable activities)进行明确界定,同时在规范慈善组织设立运营(opening and running)、慈善财产来源和使用、开展慈善服务(charity services)、促进慈善事业发展等方面作出规定。作为我国慈善领域的基本法(fundamental law of Chinas philanthropy),该法旨在传播慈善文化(philanthropic culture)。

该法放宽了对慈善组织公开募捐的限制(eases restrictions on fundraising of charity groups),承诺将为慈善活动提供税收优惠政策(tax benefits),同时加强对慈善组织内部管理运作的监督(tightens scrutiny on internal management)。此外,法律还明确了慈善机构的登记程序(stipulate how charities should be registered)。外界普遍认为,这部法律填补了中国慈善事业法律空白(fill the legal void in Chinas philanthropy),有助于中国社会公益事业发展。


慈善事业 philanthropy

慈善组织 charitable organization

慈善文化 philanthropic culture

捐助者 donor

志愿者 volunteer

受益人 beneficiary

2. 消费者投诉

consumer complaint


The State Administration for Industry and Commerce has reported an 11.1% rise in consumer complaints last year.


据统计,去年全国工商和市场监管部门共受理消费者投诉(consumer complaint)129.11万件,创五年新高。其中,商品类投诉(complaints about merchandise)72.56万件,服务类投诉(complaints about services)56.55万件。商品类投诉数量排在前五位的类别是:日用百货(daily necessities)、通讯器材、家用电器(home appliances)、交通工具和食品。排在服务类投诉前五位的类别是:远程购物(distance shopping)、居民服务(residential services)、电信服务(telecom service)、互联网服务和修理维护服务(repair and maintenance services)。

2015年,网络购物(online shopping)投诉量达14.58万件,同比增长87.3%,连续两年排在服务类投诉首位,消费者投诉的问题集中在网购商品质量(the quality of purchased items)和虚假宣传(misleading advertising)。商品类投诉中,移动电话投诉12.28万件,同比增长9.7%;汽车及零部件(automobiles and parts)投诉7.57万件,同比增长37.3%。消费者投诉涉及的问题主要集中在质量(quality)、合同(contracts)和售后服务(post-sales services)方面。


消费者权益 consumer rights

退款 refund

赔偿 compensation

先逛店后网购 showrooming

节日包裹焦虑症 holiday package anxiety

海淘 buy products from overseas websites

直邮服务 direct delivery service

3. 大众旅游时代

era of mass tourism


In the Government Work Report this year, Premier Li Keqiang pointed out the government will ensure people are able to take their paid vacations, improve the facilities at scenic spots and tourist sites and recreational vehicle parks, see that the tourist market operates in line with regulations and usher in a new era of mass tourism.


大众旅游(mass tourism),顾名思义,是指旅游消费人群的大众化、全民化,意味着全民旅游、全域旅游。这是我国国家领导人首次提出、并正式将旅游业发展阶段(the development level of tourism industry)的定性判断写入政府文件(government documents)中。

去年,我国国内旅游(domestic trips)突破40亿人次,旅游收入(overall revenues from tourism)超过4万亿元人民币。这说明,一个全民参与的大众旅游时代已经到来。

大众旅游不仅有利于我国旅游业的繁荣(conducive to the prosperity of Chinas tourism industry),还能推动经济发展(boost the economy)。中国国民赴境外旅游还能促进我国与其他国家的友好往来(promote friendly communication between China and the outside world)。

当前,我国旅游业面临巨大的机遇与挑战(face great opportunities and challenges)。人们需要更好的旅游产品(better tourism products),同时热门旅游景点(popular tourist attractions)应完善服务和管理(services and management)。此外,政府还应落实带薪休假(paid vacations),保证人们有充裕的时间旅游(ensure people have enough time to travel)。


景区景点 scenic spots and tourist sites

自驾车营地 recreational vehicle parks

旅游签证 tourist visa

森林旅游 forest tourism

旅游景点 tourist attraction

旅游警察 tourism police

4. 山寨应用

fake app


Fake apps installed with malicious software are posing a growing threat to unsuspecting mobile phone users.


所谓山寨应用(fake app/pirated app)实际上是对正版应用(legitimate app)进行篡改。黑客下载正版应用,对其进行二次打包(repackaging)后重新投放到应用市场,用户仅从名称和图标上无法辨别真伪(cant distinguish a fake one from an authentic one by name and icon)。

国内领先的杀毒软件开发商(antivirus software developer)奇虎360发布的一份报告称,部分第三方应用商店的审核机制(examining mechanism of some third-party app stores)较为宽松,导致山寨应用泛滥,平均每款正版安卓手机应用(Android mobile phone app)有92.7个山寨版。

这些山寨应用植入了能够跟踪隐私数据(track private data)的恶意软件(malicious software),会对用户的财产和隐私造成严重的侵害(infringe users property and privacy),其中,恶意扣费(charging fees without the owners knowledge)、隐私窃取(privacy theft)和系统破坏(system damage)是主要危害。


版权 copyright

盗版 piracy

应用商店 application store

网络犯罪 cybercrime

木马病毒 Trojan virus

钓鱼网站 phishing website

5. 贿选

vote buying


FIFA has acknowledged for the first time that votes were bought in past World Cup hosting contests.


当地时间15日,国际足联(International Federation of Association Football, FIFA)向美国联邦检方(US federal prosecutors)提交了一份22页的报告,首次承认在1998年和2010年世界杯申办竞赛中存在贿选(vote buying/vote bribery),并希望能够索回被联邦检察官扣押的数千万美元的赃款(seek to claim tens of millions of dollars in bribe money being seized by federal prosecutors)。

FIFA声称自身也是腐败个人的受害者(the victim of corrupt individuals),有权就腐败丑闻(corrupt scandal)导致的FIFA品牌、信誉和商务关系(FIFAs brand, reputation and business relationships)方面的损失要求赔偿。

FIFA主席因凡蒂诺承诺:国际足联无论耗费多长时间都一定会尽全力追回这些赃款(be determined to get the bribe money back no matter how long it takes),并将之作为发展和推广足球运动的资金(the fund for the development and promotion of the game)。


腐败 corruption

受贿 bribe-taking

主办权 hosting rights

起诉 prosecute

刑事诉讼 criminal proceeding

经济犯罪 economic crime

6. A4腰

A4 waist


In China, the A4 waist challenge is going viral, especially with women, and social media is flooded with the results.


何为A4腰(A4 waist)?比A4纸还要窄的小蛮腰称为A4腰。当然,把纸横过来是不算的。按照国际通用的纸张规格标准,A4纸的规格是2129.7cm,因此,只要腰的宽度小于21cm,便都可以称作A4腰。中国人形容人腰细会用杨柳小蛮腰,而西方人通常会用a tiny waist、a small waist或a slender waist来形容。

最近兴起的A4腰成为人们秀身材(show off their figure)的新玩法。大多数参加挑战的是年轻女性,其中不乏明星艺人。A4腰挑战在社交媒体上吸引了大量点击(garnered many hits),同时也引发了热议(sparked heated debate)。一些参与者表示,A4腰是一个健康且可以实现的目标(a healthy and attainable aim),甚至有人表示,我没有A4腰,我是A5腰。(Im a size smaller than A4. Im A5.) 不过也有不少网民认为这种晒细腰的审美观有些病态,属于那种对不健康的身体形态(unhealthy body image)的追求。


反手祈祷(reverse praying/clasp hands behind their back):参与者纷纷把自己双手合十到背后作祈祷状的照片上传到社交媒体上。

反手摸肚脐(belly button challenge):据说体型越瘦,就越能轻而易举地摸到肚脐。

锁骨放鸡蛋(balance eggs on collarbones)和锁骨放硬币(balance coins on collarbones):无论放硬币,还是放鸡蛋,这个挑战主要是测试美女们锁骨的平衡性。

马甲线(firm abs, firm abdominal muscles):没有赘肉的腹部,还要有肌肉线条,就在肚脐两侧两条直立的肌肉线,看起来很像马甲,因此被称为马甲线。


梨型身材 pear-shaped figure

苹果型身材 apple-shaped body

沙漏型/X型身材 hourglass figure

倒三角身材 inverted triangle figure

矩形身材 rectangle body shape

腰间赘肉 love handles

肥胖羞辱 fat shaming

身体羞辱 body shaming











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