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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >2017翻译硕士:一周新闻热词(3.5-3.13)


2016-03-14 04:03:24








1. 部长通道

ministers passage


Ministers passage, also known as ministers red carpet, is the 100-meter passage near the northern gate of the Great Hall of the People where ministers have to go before entering the meeting hall.


对于报道两会的记者们(reporters who cover the two sessions)来说,部长通道(ministers passage)可以说是一座新闻富矿,是各家媒体鏖战的重要场所。在这里,部长们成为无数闪光灯追逐的焦点(become the targets of constant bursts of camera flashes),面临记者们的长串提问(face a barrage of questions from eager reporters)。部长们在这里说出的只言片语,都可能传达出重要的讯息。

往年,想让步履匆匆的部长们停下脚步,细致地回答记者问题并不容易(reporters had a hard time getting time-conscious ministers to stop and give in-depth answers),而今年两会,部长们不用再被围追堵截了(be chased down for interviews),他们主动站到部长通道发言席前,回应天价学区房(school district house of a whopping price)、医院号贩子(hospital appointment scalper)等热点问题(hot issue),采访现场氛围热烈而井然。部长通道成为两会开放透明(open and transparent)和善待媒体的一个象征。

两会前,李克强总理接连发话,要求国务院各部部长(ministers of the Sate Council)、直属机构主要负责人(head of organizations directly under the State Council)积极回应舆论关切(address public concerns immediately),坚定社会信心(boost social confidence),给市场一个明确的预期。


民生痛点 the pain points for peoples livelihood

获得感 sense of gain

上头条 dominate headlines

消息来源 news source

公众关注的话题 topic of public concern

2. 工匠精神

spirit of the craftsman


Premier Li Keqiang introduced the concept of the spirit of the craftsman during his government work report during the fourth session of the 12th National Peoples Congress.


国务院总理李克强在今年的政府工作报告中明确指出,要鼓励企业开展个性化定制、柔性化生产(encourage enterprises to use custom-tailored and flexible production processes),培育精益求精的工匠精神(foster a craftsmanship spirit of striving for the best),增品种、提品质、创品牌(more types of products, products of a higher quality, and brand products will be made)。

工匠(craftsman)曾是传统社会日常生活中不可或缺的职业,他们以精湛的技艺(exquisite craftsmanship)打造完美的产品。如今工匠虽已淡出现代人的生活,但他们代表的精益求精、不断创新(be dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation)的精神却永不过时。

目前,我国制造业大而不强(our manufacturing industry is big but not strong)、自主创新能力较弱(weak in independent innovation)。弘扬(carry forward)工匠精神将带动中国从制造大国走向制造强国(drive China from a manufacturer of quantity to a manufacturer of quality),促进企业改善产品和服务质量(urge companies to improve the quality of goods and services)。


鞋匠 shoemaker

木匠 carpenter

铁匠 blacksmith

工艺传承 inheritance of craftsmanship

制造业 manufacturing industry

专业技能 expertise

3. 首付贷

down payment loan


Given the jump in home prices in first-tier cities in recent months, the so-called down payment loans are in great demand. Property agencies and P2P platforms have become a driving force by offering loans for down payments, though some real estate agencies in Beijing and Shanghai were recently forced by regulators to stop the practice.


面对高烧不退的房价,一些投机者(speculator)和刚需购房人群(home buyers of rigid demand)加快入场。部分房产中介(real estate brokerage)和互联网金融平台(e-finance platform)开始为资金短缺的购房者提供贷款以供他们支付首付(provide loans to their clients to cover down payments)。一些首付贷的利息高达13个点,还款期为3到12个月不等(have an interest rate of 13 percent with repayment terms that range from three to 12 months)。

专家称,这种形式的贷款降低了购房者的资金门槛(make it easier for buyers to purchase property),但同时也给国内房地产市场增加了额外了风险杠杆(add the risk of additional leverage to the domestic real estate market),因此,金融监管机构必然会推出举措(roll out rules),打击发放贷款作为房屋贷款首付的行为。9日,全国政协委员、央行副行长潘功胜在政协小组讨论会上表示,央行将禁止不具备资质(without relevant licenses)的房产中介机构和开发商提供金融服务(run financing services)。


抵押贷款 mortgage lending

最低首付 minimum down payment

首次购房者 first-time homebuyer

改善购房者 upgrader

供需不平衡 supply-demand imbalance

火上浇油 add fuel to the flame

4. 休学创业

suspend courses to do business


Lin Huiqing, vice-minister of education, said that this year the Ministry of Education will release newly-revised college students management regulations, which will give explicit provisions on the flexible educational system and the suspension of courses to do business.


林蕙青称,应不断深化大学生创新创业教育(innovation and enterprise education)。大学应探索将学生创新实验(innovative experiment)、发表论文(published theses)和自主创业(self employment)等折算为学分(convert to credits)。此外,大学应该多邀请科学家。企业家和风险投资人等来校做关于创新创业方面的演讲(universities should invite scientists, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists to lecture on innovation and entrepreneurship)。

另据了解,国务院办公厅2015年印发的《关于深化高等学校创新创业教育改革的实施意见》已明确提出:实施弹性学制(implement flexible study system),放宽学生修业年限(broaden the length of schooling),允许调整学业进程(allow the adjustment of the education process)、保留学籍休学创新创业(reserve the student status for those who suspend their courses to do business)。


天使投资人 angel investor

理性对待 treat it rationally

创业项目 startup project

优惠政策 preferential policy

开除学籍 be dismissed from school

间隔年 gap year

5. 人机大战

man VS machine battle


The artificial intelligence (AI) program AlphaGo defeated top professional Go player Lee Sedol in the first and second games of historic man vs machine battle.


9日,围棋人机大战(man VS machine battle)正式在韩国首尔打响。谷歌开发的计算机程序(Googles computer program) AlphaGo与围棋世界冠军(world Go champion)、韩国棋手李世石对弈。这场世纪大战备受瞩目,被视作人类和人工智能之间的代表性对决(it is seen as a representative match between humans and AI)。比赛共分五场,将持续至15日。目前AlphaGo连下两城以2:0领先李世石,还有3局对战,大战最终结局如何,让我们拭目以待。

大家对人工智能并不陌生,从苹果的Siri,到日常浏览的搜索引擎(search engine),这些全都是人工智能。但AlphaGo跟这些常见的AI不同。AlphaGo的核心是两种不同的深度神经网络策略网络(policy network)和值网络(value network),它利用这两个网络分析局势,判断每种下子策略的优劣。它具有强大的学习能力,能通过强化学习(reinforcement learning)策略进行自我对弈来提高围棋水平。它的背后是一群杰出的机器学习(machine learning)算法领域的专家。

围棋(the game of Go)是一种棋盘游戏(board game),发源于2500多年前的中国(originated in China more than 2,500 years ago),比象棋(chess)要复杂的多。正因为其复杂性和依靠直觉判断的特性,围棋对于人工智能来说是一个巨大的挑战(has been viewed as a grand challenge for AI due to its complexity and intuitive nature)。


超级计算机 supercomputer

围棋大师 Go grandmaster

机器人 robot

控制系统 control system

仿真系统 simulation system

6. 药检

drug test


Maria Sharapova, 28, could now become the biggest financial loser in sporting history, missing out on estimated future earnings of as much as £100m. Her biggest sponsors Nike, Porsche, and TAG Heuer all moved to cut ties with the Russian tennis star after her drug test failure.


此前连续11年,莎娃都被《福布斯》评为世界上收入最高的女运动员(the highest-paid female athlete in the world)。她是五次大满贯得主(five-time Grand Slam winner),更是赞助商的宠儿(the darling of sponsors),她在场外的收入远远超过了场内的收入(earn more off the tennis court than on it)。但如今,没有公司愿意和这样一桩高调的禁药丑闻扯上关联(be associated with such a high-profile drug cheat),何况莎娃还可能面临四年的禁赛(face a four-year ban from tennis)。

莎娃未通过澳网(Australia Open)药检的原因是她服用了一种叫美度铵(meldonium)的药。这是一种治疗缺血性心脏病(ischaemic heart disease)的药物,对身体的其他肌肉也同样能起到抗缺氧的作用。莎拉波娃称她从2006年开始服用美度铵,并没有意识到这种药从2016年起被世界反兴奋剂机构列为违禁药品(it was declared a banned substance by the World Anti-Doping Agency at the start of 2016)。


教练组 coaching staff

商业合同 commercial contract

完成职业大满贯 complete the career Grand Slam

药物作弊 drug cheat











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