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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >中华思想文化术语翻译选读:道法自然


2016-01-31 03:01:34

道法自然(do fǎ zrn)


Dao Operates Naturally.

Dao operates in accordance with natural conditions of all things. This idea first appeared in the bookLaozi, according to which natural means the natural state of things. Dao creates and nurtures everything, yet it does not command anything. In political philosophy, the relationship between Dao and natural things implies that between the ruler and the people. The rulers should follow the natural requirements of Dao, which places limits on their power, and govern by means of non-interference to allow the people and affairs to take their own natural course.




Man patterns himself on the operation of the earth; the earth patterns itself on the operation of heaven; heaven patterns itself on the operation of Dao; Dao patterns itself on what is natural. (Laozi)











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