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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >中华思想文化术语翻译选读:日新


2016-01-31 02:01:10



Constant Renewal

This term refers to an ongoing process of self-renewal, which also brings new life to the people, society, and the nation. This process features continuous progress and improvement. It represents a tenacious and innovative spirit that permeates all levels of self-cultivation, family regulation, state governance, bringing peace to all under heaven.




If we can improve ourselves in one day, we should do so every day, and keep building on improvement, reads the inscription on the bathtub of Tang, founder of the Shang Dynasty. People should be encouraged to discard the old and embrace the new, give up evil ideas, and live up to high moral standards, says The Book of History. Though it was an ancient state, Zhou saw its future lying in continuously renewing itself, comments The Book of Songs. Therefore, junzi (men of virtue) should strive to excel themselves in all aspects and at all times. (The Book of Rites) 











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