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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >2017翻译硕士英文词汇积累(23)


2016-01-18 04:01:26

E-government 电子政务

mobilize the initiative 调动积极性

equal political entities 对等的政治实体

erroneous and dogmatic interpretation of Marxism 对马克思主义的错误和教条式的理解

multi-tiered 多层次

multiparty cooperation 多党合作

diversify 多元化

pluralistic society多元社会

diverse forces 多种力量

duplicate law enforcement 多重多头执法

awareness of law 法制观念

a country with an adequate legal system 法制国家

a country under the rule of law 法治国家

prosperity, stability and development 繁荣、稳定和发展

fight against Taiwan Independence 反对台独

oppose separation 反对分裂

combat corruption and build a clean government 反腐倡廉

guard against 防止

non-traditional threats to security 非传统安全威胁

splitting activities 分裂活动

the objectives and tasks 奋斗目标和任务

develop diverse forms of democracy 丰富民主形式

trials and tribulations 风浪考验

serve the overall interests 服务大局

strong, prosperous, democratic and culturally advanced 富强、民主、文明

hinterland 腹地

reform, development and stability 改革、发展、稳定

reform and opening-up 改革开放

fall behind the times 落后于时代

Marxism-Leninism 马克思列宁主义

the basic tenets of Marxism 马克思主义基本原理

a Marxist ruling party 马克思主义执政党

Mao Zendong Thought 毛泽东思想

the militia 民兵

Democratic Progressive Party 民进党

peoples livelihood 民生

democratic and the legal system 民主法制

democratic management 民主管理











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