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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >2017翻译硕士英文词汇积累(20)


2016-01-15 04:01:23

planning approval 规划许可

planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证

plot ratio 容集率

precision machine tool 精密机床

pre-requisitioned land 预征土地

professional fee 专业人员费(指勘察设计费等)

project approval 项目许可

projecting parameter 规划参数

property trust 物业信托

ratio of current assets to current liability 流动资产与流动负债比率

ratio of current assets to fixed assets 流动资产与固定资产比率

reciprocal holdings 互相控股

reconstruction of old area 旧区改造

recoverable cost/debt/loss 可收回成本/债务/损失

red balance 赤字结余

reform of the property rights system 产权制度改革

registered capital 注册资本

registration of establishment 开办登记

registration of property right 产权登记

rules-of-thumb techniques 经验法

sales proceeds 销售收益

site coverage 建筑密度

strata-title 分层所有权

structural readjustment 结构调整

subsidies and grants 津贴和拨款

surplus capacity 生产能力过剩

title document 契约文书

Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation (TILF) 贸易和投资自由化和便利化

unpaid mortgage balance 抵押贷款欠额

water conservancy project 水利工程

wealth maximization 最大限度地增加财产











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