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2015-12-24 01:12:10




Chinese Dream


The rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been the greatest dream of the Chinese people since the beginning of modern times; we call this the Chinese Dream. The idea in essence is to make the country prosperous and strong, rejuvenate the nation, and see that the people are happy.


Chinese path


To realize the Chinese Dream, we must follow a Chinese path the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


Chinese spirit


To realize the Chinese Dream, we must foster the Chinese spirit a fusion of the spirit of the Chinese people, central to which is patriotism, and the spirit of our era, central to which are reform and innovation.


Chinese strength


To realize the Chinese Dream, we must bring together Chinese strength the strength produced by all Chinese people coming together in unity.


Chinese approach


We will propose more Chinese approaches, share more Chinese knowledge, and offer more public goods to the international community.


path of peaceful development


China is taking the path of peaceful development, as should other countries. Only if everyone takes this path can all countries develop together and live in peace.


mutually beneficial opening up strategy


China will remain firmly committed to a mutually beneficial opening up strategy, and through deeper cooperation, promote the robust, sustainable, and balanced growth of the world economy.


dreams of all peoples


The Chinese Dream is the Chinese peoples dream of happiness and is closely connected with the dreams of all peoples.


community with a common future


Our cause is the cause of win-win cooperation with all countries. The world is increasingly becoming a community with a common future in which all countries are interdependent.










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