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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >极具中国特色翻译:中译英备词汇


2015-04-22 09:04:38


# defuse (public) anger/discontent;to properly channel public sentiments

2. 诚信缺失

# lack of credibility

3. 发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享

# development for the people, by the people and to the benefit of the people

4. 和谐共赢

# all-win harmony;harmony and all winners

5. 真正意义上的和谐社会在逐步发展

# a truly harmonious society is evolving/emerging

6. 实现社会公平与正义

# ensure equity and justice

7. 利益协调机制

# mechanism of balancing interests

8. 社会救助体系

# social assistance system

9. 人民群众安全感

# peoples sense of security


# foster a culture of clean government


# reduce social inequalities


# live in harmony


# create a solid material base for social harmony;


#the characteristics of a harmonious society

丰富内涵 # extend the concept of social harmonytowider areas


# To achieve unity between the material and spiritual, democracy and rule of law, fairness and efficiency, and vitality and order


# Harmony generates and sameness stops/stifles vitality


# Harmony is most precious;Peace is to be cherished.


# Harmony is the Way to be. (The Doctrine ofthe Mean)


# Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity.


# Reconciliation benefits both.

# Peace benefits both.


# Reconciliation leads to harmony.


the unity of man/human and nature

Heaven-Man Oneness(书面)

Heaven and man are one.(口译)


# Harmony is a defining/core value ofChinas cultural tradition. It is an ideal that the Chinese nation has never ceased to pursue.


# Harmony is most precious. This means that mutual help and friendly co-existence between states, nations and people should be our ultimate pursuit.


# Harmony in diversity means that each state or nation should accommodate other civilizations while preserving the cultural tradition of its own/its fine cultural tradition.

和而不同Harmony in diversity/harmony without uniformity


# Harmony generates vitality. This means that only with mutual interaction and enrichment can different civilizations rejuvenate and continue to grow.

27.吸收借鉴:mutual interaction and enrichment


We are in an era of dynamic change. There is growing interaction and ever-closer link among countries and regions and among different civilisations.

The human society is faced in its development with unprecedented challenges and opportunities.

# 相互交融又相互激荡 growing interaction


# Great Chinese and British thinkers of the past ages in exploring the law of social development, made incisive observations about the concept of harmony and made persistent efforts to achieve it/for achievements/and(tirelessly) strove for this ideal. They both called for achieving social harmony on the basis of recognizing differences and diversity.


# The harmonious society we aim for is one built and shared by all the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. This is a society of Chinese style socialism; it is asociety based on democracy and the rule of law as well as fairness and justice;it is a society of integrity and amity/fertility; and it is a society full of vitality, one of order and stability, and of harmony between man and nature


# To build a harmonious world, we should uphold democracy and equality to enhance cooperation and coordination; ensure amity/fertility and mutual trust to achieve common security; uphold justice andmutual benefit to advance common development; and stay open to facilitate//promote dialogue among civilizations.


# A harmonious country should be one of laws and stability, peace and prosperity. A harmonious world should be one of democracy, peace, justice and tolerance.


# We Chinese hold that one should be as tolerant/encompassing as the vast ocean which admits hundreds of rivers andshould draw upon others strengths.


# Harmony rallys strength and leads to great successes.


# China is eager to draw on/upon the strengths of other civilizations.










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