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2014-08-11 09:08:50

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 《不扩散核武器条约》

nuclear proliferation 核扩散

nuclear stockpiles 核库存

oath-taking ceremony 宣誓仪式

official assistance 官方援助

opposition party 反对党

parliamentary speech 国会学说

party government 政党政府

party in office/ruling party 执政党

party out of office 在野党

party program 党纲

peaceful transfer of authority 权力的和平过渡

peace-keeping operation 维和行动

plurality rule 简单多数原则

political and economic integration 政治经济一体化

political complexion 政治色彩

political independence 政治独立

political participation 参政议政

political posturing 政治姿态

political strings attached 附加政治条件

pragmatic cooperation 具有实效的合作

President-elect 总统当选人

presidential election 总统选举

pro-democracy movement 民主运动

protest vote 抗议票

provisional government 临时政府

public debt 公债

public funding 公共资助

puppet regime 傀儡政权

racial divisions 种族分划

radical group 激进组织

raising money 筹款

Diplomatic efforts to end the fighting have hit another snag.


The regional conflicts become a critical threat to the world peace.


Religious conflicts may arouse unrests and wars regionally or even globally.


Civil wars or regional conflicts also cause disruption, driving people out of rural areas.


The world continues to turn and things have changed dramatically.











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