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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >考试题库 >考研英语 >2017考研英语翻译训练题篇五


2016-12-02 09:12:24


1. 必须教育学生关心他人和周围的世界。(educate)

The students must be educated to be concerned about others and the world around them.

2. 希望所有的学生掌握一门外语。( expect)

All the students are expected to have a good command of a foreign language.

3.已采取一系列的行动来拯救濒临灭绝的动物,因为他们受到掠杀的威胁.( start....campaign)

A series of campaigns has been started to save the endangered animals because they are threatened with being hunted/being killed.

4.只有在中国才有大熊猫 ( find)

Pandas can be found only in China.

5. 应当鼓励学生提出不同观点和用多种方法解决同一个问题。( put forward)

Students should be encouraged to put forward different opinions and solve the same problem in various ways.

6.宣布和平后,到处可以看到欢笑的脸。( declare)

Smiling faces could be seen everywhere when peace was declared.

考研不是你一个人在战斗,在漫漫考研路上,查字典公务员考研的老师会一直陪伴着同学们的左右,为你们解答考研路上的各种疑惑,祝同学们考研成功!为了帮助考生更好地复习,查字典公务员考研为广大学子推出2017考研押题集训营、VIP一对一系列备考专题,针对每一个科目要点进行深入的指导分析,还会根据每年的考研大纲进行针对性的分析哦~欢迎各位考生了 解咨询。同时,查字典公务员考研一直为大家推出考研直播课堂,足不出户就可以边听课边学习,为大家的考研梦想助力!


考前一个月 考研阅读分数还能提高吗?









