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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >考试题库 >考研英语 >2017考研英语完型模拟练习题篇四


2016-11-28 03:11:17



The success of Augustus owed much to the character of Roman theorizing about the state. The Romans did not produce ambitious blueprints1 the construction of idea__l__ states,such as__2__ to the Greeks. With very few exceptions,Roman theorists ignored,or rejected__3__ valueless,intellectual exercises like Platos Republic,in__4__ the relationship of the individual to the state was__5__ out painstakingly without reference to__6__ states or individuals. The closest the Roman came to the Greek model was Ciceros De Re Publica,and even here Cicero had Rome clearly in __7__. Roman thought about the state was concrete,even when it__8__ religious and moral concepts. The first ruler of Rome,Romulus,was__9__ to have received authority from the gods,specifically from Jupiter,theguarantorof Rome. All constitutional__10__was a method of conferring and administering the__11__. Very clearly it was believed that only the assembly of the__12__,the family heads who formed the original senate,__13__the religious character necessary to exercise authority,because its original function was to__14__the gods. Being practical as well as exclusive,the senators moved__15__to divide the authority,holding that their consuls,or chief officials,would possess it on__16__months,and later extending its possession to lower officials.__17__the important achievement was to create the idea of continuing__18__authority embodied only temporarily in certain upper-class individuals and conferred only__19__the mass of the people concurred. The system grew with enormous __20__,as new offices and assemblies were created and almost none discarded.

1.[A] with [B] for [C] in [D] to

2. [A] tempted [B] attracted [C] appealed [D] transferred

3. [A] on [B] for [C] as [D] about

4. [A] which [B] that [C] what [D] it

5. [A] turned [B] worked [C] brought [D] made

6. [A] special [B] specific [C] peculiar [D] particular

7. [A] existence [B] store [C] reality [D] mind

8. [A] abandoned [B] caught [C] separated [D] involved

9. [A] told [B] held [C] suggested [D] advised

10. [A] tendency [B] procedure [C] development [D] relation

11. [A] authority [B] power [C] control [D] ruling

12. [A] officers [B] men [C] administrators [D] fathers

13. [A] possessed [B] claimed [C] assured [D] enforced

14. [A] confirm [B] confer [C] consult [D] consider

15. [A] over [B] along [C] on [D] about

16. [A] alternate [B] different [C] varied [D] several

17. [A] And [B] So [C] Or [D] But

18. [A] state [B] country [C] people [D] national

19. [A] as [B] when [C] if [D] so

20. [A] dimension [B] complexity [C] exercise [D] function

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