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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >考试题库 >考研英语 >考研英语新题型基础练习精选(九)


2014-07-10 02:07:07


You are going to read a list of headings and a text about preparing in the academic community. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each numbered paragraph (41-45). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

[A] Many studies conclude that children with highly involved fathers, in relation to children with less involved fathers, tend to be more cognitively and socially competent, less inclined toward gender stereotyping, more empathic, and psychologically better adjusted. Commonly, these studies investigate both paternal warmth and paternal involvement and find-using simple correlations-that the two variables are related to each other and to youth outcomes.

[B] Boys seemed to conform to the sex-role standards of their culture when their relationships with their fathers were warm, regardless of how masculine the fathers were, even though warmth and intimacy have traditionally been seen as feminine characteristics. A similar conclusion was suggested by research on other aspects of psychosocial adjustment and on achievement: Paternal warmth or closeness appeared beneficial, whereas paternal masculinity appeared irrelevant.

[C] The critical question is: How good is the evidence that fathers amount of involvement, without taking into account its content and quality, is consequential for children, mothers, or fathers themselves? The associations with desirable outcomes found in much research are actually with positive forms of paternal involvement, not involvement per se. Involvement needs to be combined with qualitative dimensions of paternal behavior through the concept of positive paternal involvement developed here.

[D] Commonly, researchers assessed the masculinity of fathers and of sons and then correlated the two sets of scores. Many behavioral scientists were surprised to discover that no consistent results emerged from this research until they examined the quality of the father-son relationship. Then they found that when the relationship between masculine fathers and their sons was warm and loving, the boys were indeed more masculine. Later, however, researchers found that the masculinity of fathers per se did not seem to make much difference after all. As summarized by:

[E] The second domain in which a substantial amount of research has been done on the influence of variations in father love deals with father involvement, that is, with the amount of time that fathers spend with their children (engagement), the extent to which fathers make themselves available to their children (accessibility), and the extent to which they take responsibility for their childrens care and welfare (responsibility).

[F] It is unclear from these studies whether involvement and warmth make independent or joint contributions to youth outcomes. Moreover, caring for children is not necessarily the same thing as caring about them. Indeed, Lamb concluded from his review of studies of paternal involvement that it was not the simple fact of paternal engagement (i.e., direct interaction with the child), availability, or responsibility for child care that was associated with these outcomes. Rather, it appears that the quality of the father-child relationship made the greatest difference. J. H. Pleck reiterated this conclusion when he wrote:

[G] Research by Veneziano and Rohner supports these conclusions. In a biracial sample of 63 African American and European American children, the authors found from multiple regression analyses that father involvement by itself was associated with childrens psychological adjustment primarily insofar as it was perceived by youths to be an expression of paternal warmth (acceptance).

[H] Many studies looking exclusively at the influence of variations in father love deal with two topics: (a) gender role development and (b) father involvement. Studies of gender role development emerged prominently in the 1940s and continued through the 1970s. This was a time when fathers were considered to be especially important as gender role models for sons.


H41.( )42. ( )43. ( )A44. ( )45. ( ) G


41.D 42.B 43.E 44.F 45.C





[A] 研究发现父亲的参与性与父亲情感温暖相关,而且和青少年的成长结果相关。

[B] 决定男孩是否遵循所在文化中有关性别角色的标准(即有男子气概)的因素不是父亲的男子气概,而是父子间关系是否亲密。

[C] 除了考虑父亲的参与性,还要考虑其参与的内容和质量。

[D] 决定男孩子是否男性化的因素是父子间关系是否温暖而关爱。父亲本身有无男子气概不是决定性因素。

[E] 第二个对父爱差异的影响进行了大量研究的领域是关于父亲的主动参与性。它包括投入性、可接近性和责任性。

[F] 参与性与情感温暖这两个变量中哪一个影响青少年的成长结果还不确定。莱姆认为父子关系的质量而非参与性是决定因素。

[G] 在黑白种族抽样中发现,参与性本身与孩子的心理调试相关,是因为年轻人将它看作是父亲情感温暖的一种表达方式。

[H] 许多专门考虑父爱影响的研究涉及两大主题:性别角色的发展;父亲的参与。










(1)involved(a.)耗费很多时间的,关注的,如an involved father(很投入的父亲);复杂难解的,如an involved sentence(复杂的句子)


(3)stereotype(n.)陈腔滥调,老套;gender stereotyping 性别陈规定型观念



(6)per se本身,就其本身而言

(7)psychosocial adjustment社会心理调适



















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