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2016-12-05 02:12:45


1. Barbara ________ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen times.

A. resisted B. insisted

C. persisted D. assisted

2. Be here on Friday __________ the latest.

A. at B. by

C. for D. in

3. Be sure to get a __________ electrician for the job.

A. keen B. capable

C. able D. competent

4. Because Edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he ________ his opinion.

A. struck at B. stuck to

C. strove for D. stood for

5. Because he was_________of the new limit, he was stopped and warned for speeding.

A. ignorant B. accustomed

C. reluctant D. pathetic

6. Because his health is getting worse, he has to _________himself from drinking to excess.

A. restrict B. confirm

C. restrain D. confine

7. Because I dont take any sugar in my tea, I ____________ to forget to offer it to other people.

A. get B. like

C. tend D. used

8. Because I was ________ in the conflict I was a welcome visitor.

A.partial B. uninterested

C. neutral D. indifferent

9. Because of bad weather the plane was ________ for half an hoar.

A. delayed B. postponed

C. drawn out D. put off

10. Before moving to another city, Mr. Smith_________ of the house and the furniture.

A. discarded B. dismissed

C. discharged D. disposed

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