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2016-12-05 02:12:11


1. As the ________ of working too hard, the man became ill.

A. end B. reason

C. cause D. result

2. As die clouds drifted away, an even higher peak became ________ to tile climbers.

A. obvious B. visible

C. present D. apparent

3. As the plane was getting ready to take off, we all _________our seat belt.

A. fled B. locked

C. fastened D. closed

4. As we are on the point of _________ some important business with them, we should like to know exactly about their credit standing.

A. transmitting B. transferring

C. transacting D. transporting

5. As your teacher advised, you should spend your time on something ________researching into.

A. precious B. worth

C. worthy D. valuable

6. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly to another subject.

A. committed B. switched

C. favored D. transmitted

7. At the banquet, we all _________ our glasses and drank to each others health.

A. increase B. lift

C. raise D. rise

8. At the meeting, Robert argued _________in favor of the proposal.

A. severely B. heavily

C. forcefully D. warmly

9. At the moment there are a lot more________ to be filled in the company.

A. variations B. vacuums

C. vacations D. vacancies

10. At the present __________of progress, we shall shortly free ourselves from poverty and backwardness.

A. rate B. pace

C. speed D. growth

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