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2016-05-24 01:05:14









poverty alleviation through tourism


China will lift 12m to 14m poverty-stricken people out of poverty in the next five years through tourism development.


旅游扶贫(poverty alleviation through tourism),即通过开发贫困地区丰富的旅游资源(tourism resources),兴办旅游经济实体(tourism businesses),使旅游业形成区域支柱产业(pillar industry),实现贫困地区居民和地方政府双脱贫致富(lift local residents and governments in poverty-stricken areas out of poverty and become better off)。

19日,国家旅游局局长李金早在首届世界旅游发展大会(the First World Conference on Tourism Development)上透露,未来5年内,我国17%至20%的贫困人口(poor population)将实现旅游脱贫(rise out of poverty via tourism growth), 预计脱贫人数(the number of people who move out of poverty)达1200至1400万人。

国务院总理李克强在大会的开幕式上致辞时表示,旅游业是实现扶贫脱贫(poverty reduction and elimination)的重要支柱。农村贫困人口(the rural poor)脱贫是中国全面建成小康社会(completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects)最艰巨的任务,也是必须实现的目标。中国贫困人口大多分布在老少边穷地区(old revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by minority nationalities, remote and border areas and poverty-stricken areas),那些地方发展工业、农业受到很多限制,而发展旅游业具有得天独厚的优势(have unique advantages for developing tourism)。很多地方依靠发展旅游业实现了脱贫(shake off poverty)。目前,国家发改委、国家旅游局、国家扶贫办等相关部门正共同推进旅游扶贫。


精准扶贫 targeted poverty alleviation

强制式扶贫 compulsory poverty relief

脱贫 get/rise out of poverty, get rid of poverty, be lifted out of poverty

贫困线 poverty threshold

贫困生 poor/financially disadvantaged students


quality revolution


In meeting the demand for development and improving the weak links in Chinas consumer goods industry, the State Council proposed promoting a revolution of quality for the first time.


国务院总理李克强日前主持召开国务院常务会议,部署促进消费品工业增品种、提品质、创品牌(increase the variety and quality of products and nurture domestic brands),要求各级政府(governments at all levels)要着力完善政策,充分发挥市场机制作用(give full play to the role of the market mechanism),围绕消费者多样化需求,推动大众消费品生产的品质革命(promote a quality revolution in the production of mass consumer products)升级。

促进消费品升级、刺激消费在经济发展(economic development)和产业转型(industrial transformation)中发挥着至关重要的作用,是促进供给侧结构性改革(supply-side structural reform)和扩大内需(expand domestic demand)的重要措施。

此次会议要求培育精益求精的工匠精神(foster a craftsmanship spirit of striving for the best),助推由中国制造向中国设计(accelerate the transition from made in China to designed in China),确保企业产品质量、打造品牌信誉和提升国际竞争力,以赢得市场更大份额(gain a larger share of the market)。各级政府要降低市场准入门槛,取消不必要的审批和考核制度,取消不合理收费(abolish unreasonable charges),支持企业创新设计工作,以推动大众消费品创新。


供给侧结构性改革 supply-side structural reform

工匠精神 craftsmanship spirit

市场份额 market share

产业结构 industrial structure

品牌效应 brand effect

品牌知名度 brand awareness


railway/train operation diagram


A new railway operating plan has increased Chinas passenger and freight train capacity, according to China Railway Corp.


15日零时起,中国铁路开始实行新的列车运行图(railway operating plan/train operation diagram)。列车运行图是列车运行时刻表(train schedules)的图解,规定各次列车按一定的时刻在区间内运行及在车站到、发和通过。本次调整是近10年来最大范围的列车运行图调整(the biggest adjustment of Chinas train operation diagram in nearly a decade),也是铁路运输能力增量最大(the largest expansion of railway transport capacity)的一次调整。

此次调图,从客运(passenger transport)市场来看,铁路部门将大量增开旅客列车(passenger trains)。新图共安排开行旅客列车3400多对,其中动车组列车(bullet trains)2100多对,普速列车(trains running at normal speeds)1200多对,旅客列车较原图增加近300对。

从货运(cargo transportation)来看,铁路部门将进一步落实国家一带一路战略(the Belt and Road strategy),增开中欧、中亚班列(cargo trains connecting China with Europe and Central Asia),同时加快构建货物快捷运输网络,以时速120公里为主的各类货物快速班列(high-speed cargo trains)开行总数达251列,较原图增加58列。

此次调图还增开早班与夜间动车组列车(early and night bullet trains),红眼高铁(red-eye high-speed trains)将成常态。新列车运行图中,围绕满足红色旅游(red tourism)、老区旅游(tour of old revolutionary base areas)、边疆旅游(border tourism)、家庭旅游(family travel)、休闲旅游(leisure travel)和生态、森林等特色旅游需要的旅游专列(tourist train)运行线达69条。中国铁路总公司表示,火车票价(train ticket prices)将保持不变。


临客列车 temporary passenger train

货运列车 freight train

磁悬浮列车 maglev train

市郊往返列车/通勤列车 commuter train

轻轨 light rail

单程 one-way trip

往返旅行 round trip


wave of China/han liu


Switch on a TV channel in South Korea and you are likely to hear Chinese. Chinese TV series are now heading to South Korea and setting off han liu, or literally a wave of China.


2015年年底,国产古装电视剧《琅琊榜》(domestic costume drama Nirvana in Fire) 在韩国电视台以中文原声、韩文字幕形式播放(be broadcast in Chinese with Korean subtitles)。该剧在韩国甫一上映,便引发观剧热潮(the show became an instant hit, as soon as it went on air)。《琅琊榜》的热播带动其周边产品(peripheral products)在韩国也火了起来:韩国旅行社推出《琅琊榜》拍摄地(filming locations)主题的旅游产品,报名者超过上限;《琅琊榜》原著小说的翻译版权也成为韩国出版社竞相争夺(be highly sought-after by publishers)的香饽饽。

在韩国,中国电视剧(Chinese dramas)和美剧、日剧一样拥有一席之地。过去,武侠、古装题材(kung fu and costume-themed)的中剧吸引了很多40岁年龄段的韩国男性观众(South korean male audiences in their 40s),但随着《少年神探狄仁杰》(Young Sherlock)、《少年四大名捕》(The Four)、《卫子夫》(The Virtuous Queen of Han)等剧的播出,观众年龄层逐渐年轻化,20岁和30岁年龄段的观众(audience in their 20s and 30s)越来越多,特别是年轻女性观众(young female viewers)。

在韩播放中国电视连续剧、电影、纪录片(documentaries)和娱乐节目的中华电视台(Zhonghua TV)表示,中国国内热播剧同样符合韩国人的喜好(domestically hit productions also suit the tastes of South Korean viewer),好的作品在哪里都会受到欢迎(a good work will be appreciated anywhere in the world)。目前其播出的中剧有《笑傲江湖》、《山河恋美人无泪》等,《武媚娘传奇》(The Empress of China)和《伪装者》(The Disguiser)抢占了该台晚间黄金时段。

随着《还珠格格》掀起小燕子热,《乔家大院》刮起汉风(Chinese style),中剧在韩国的人气不断上升,这是不争的事实(it is undisputable that Chinese dramas are gaining popularity in South Korea)。由于学习中文的韩国人越来越多,收看中剧还成为他们学习中文的重要途径(an important channel to learn the Chinese language)。

在上面的报道中,wave of China就是汉流。而前几年国内颇为火爆的韩流的英文是Korean wave。不论是汉流、韩流还是汉风,都是一种trend(潮流)。我们可以follow the trend(跟随潮流),也可以go against the trend(逆潮流而动),可以支持mainstream culture(主流文化),也可以选择听niche singer(小众歌手)的音乐。


韩流 Korean wave

哈韩族 Koreaphile

汉风 Chinese style

潮流 trend

时尚达人 fashionista

周边产品 peripheral products


missing flight


A translation mistake of EgyptAirs press release about finding wreckage of the missing flight MS804 has caused misunderstanding, a source from EgyptAir said.


埃及航空公司表示,这架空客A320客机于埃及当地时间19日凌晨2点30分进入埃及领空约16公里(about 16 km inside Egyptian airspace)后从雷达上消失(disappear from radar)。此后,官方证实,该客机已经坠海(crash into the sea)。当时,航班上载有56名乘客及10名机组人员(crew members)。埃及航空早先曾发布消息称,航班上有59名乘客,但后来修改了人数。

此前,希腊政府曾报道,在地中海卡尔帕索斯岛附近海面发现了救生衣(life jackets)和塑胶物体。但随后希腊方面表示,发现的残骸(wreckage)并不属于失联飞机(missing plane),希腊军方继续出动C-130运输机对其进行搜索。

希腊国防部长(Greeces defense minister)卡梅诺斯称,雷达显示,该客机在坠海前曾经有两次急速调转(the aircraft made two sharp turns before plunging into the sea)。他表示,这架飞机先是偏离航向90度(veer 90 degrees off course),然后旋转360度(rotate a full 360 degrees),同时从3.7万英尺高空下降至2万英尺以下,最后从雷达屏幕上消失(plunge from 37,000 feet to below 20,000 feet before vanishing from the screens of radar)。

埃及民航部长(Egyptian aviation minister)法特西表示,相较于机械故障(technical problem/fault)而言,恐怖袭击(terrorist attack)造成飞机失踪的可能性更大(be a higher possibility)。埃及、希腊、法国和英国军方(military units)已派人在希腊的喀帕苏斯岛(Greek island of Karpathos)附近进行搜索。截至目前,尚未发现该客机的残骸或碎片(no wreckage or debris from the aircraft has been found)。


机组人员 crew members

残骸 debris

失踪 disappear/vanish

机械故障 technical problem/fault

恐怖袭击 terrorist attack


no-fly zone


No-fly zones will be declared over all 10 stadiums as well as training grounds for the 24 teams at Euro 2016 in France this summer.


2016欧洲杯大赛(Euro 2016)即将拉开帷幕。为确保比赛场地的安全,主办国(host)法国不仅将在赛场和训练场(training grounds)设立禁飞区(no-fly zone),还会在15场比赛中使用反无人机技术(anti-drone technology)。

据报道,法国政府针对人群可能遭到的无人机投放生化武器(drones being used to disperse chemical or biological weapons)恐怖袭击开展演习,在圣艾蒂安市的弗鲁瓦吉夏尔球场(Geoffroy Guichard Stadium)模拟携带化学试剂的无人机冲向观众。欧洲杯期间,将有三场小组赛(group match)和一场淘汰赛(knockout match)在弗鲁瓦吉夏尔球场进行。

2016年欧洲杯安保负责人库里称,没有具体情报显示无人机是个威胁(no specific intelligence to indicate that drones are a threat),但必须针对各种可能性做好准备(prepare for all eventualities)。由法国空军和警察部署的反无人机措施并非万无一失(necessarily infallible),因为这是一项新技术,且无人机现象是最近才出现的。反无人机技术是一项告诫措施(dissuasive measure),在过去的体育赛事中未曾启用过(do not exist at previous sports events)。库里还表示:反无人机技术不是破坏无人机,因为这样做有可能造成附带损害(collateral damage),特别是当无人机撞向公众时。该技术的目的是防止无人机飞过体育场,或者协助逮捕无人机操控员。


无线电遥控装置 radio remote control apparatus

航拍 aerial photography

生化武器 chemical and biological weapon

任意球 free kick

淘汰赛 knockout match












