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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >2017考研趣味阅读:互动图表看出你的寿命及潜在死因


2016-01-22 01:01:11

They say Jan. 18 or Blue Monday is the most depressing day of the year, but theyre wrong. The most depressing day of the year is today, because youre about to find out how and when youre most likely to die.


Statistician Nathan Yau has created an interactive chart to determine, in his words, how and when you will die, given your sex, race and age. Fun!


To create his chart, Yau used data from the CDCs Underlying Cause of Death Database, a rather bleak collection of US death statistics from 1999 to 2014. Using information obtained from Americans death certificates, the database catalogs deaths based on age, race, gender, year and cause of death, among other metrics.


Once you enter your sex, race and age, the chart will kick into motion. For each year past your current age, itll show you how likely you are to die of various common causes of death: infection, cancer, blood, endocrine, mental, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal, genitourinary, perinatal, congenital and external causes.


For every year past your current age, the chart will also show you the likeliness of having died by that point.


The main point, which is what youd expect, is that mortality rate is much lower in the earlier years of life than in the older years. But, if you do die at a younger age, its much more likely due to something external rather than a disease.


You can also look at it the other way. Shift age to the older years, and let the simulations run. Youre much more likely to die of a disease rather than something external. Shift past 80 years, and its over 40% chance the cause will be circulatory, regardless of demographic group.


I tried the chart out for myself, a 24-year-old white female. If I die two years from now, at 26, theres hardly any chance itll be from health problems and a very high likelihood itll be from external causes.


At 50 years old, theres a 95% chance Ill still be alive thats still pretty good! If I do happen to die at 50, itll most likely be from circulatory problems, cancer, infection or external causes.


Finally, here I am at 80. Now, theres only a 52% chance Ill still be alive. If I die, the most likely causes will be circulatory, cancer and endocrine.


Yau was surprised to see that circulatory problems and not cancer were such a prominent cause of death.


It seems like cancer would be the leading cause, just going off general news, he wrote. This is certainly true up to a certain age, but get past that and your heart can only keep going for so long.


Try it yourself.




endocrine: 内分泌

circulatory problems: 循环系统问题










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